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How many families are in your group?


SVCHE currently consists or between around 60-70 families from around the Sauk Valley Area. We have had families join us from Erie, Milledgeville, Polo, Oregon, Mt. Morris, Sterling, Rock Falls, Dixon, Prophetstown, and Walnut. 


How often do you meet?


We have many opportunities to get together throughout the year:

  1. Field trips - generally once or twice per month planned by parents
  2. Family activities - generally at least once per month: bowling, skating, sledding, open gym times, etc.
  3. We have seasonal parties: Harvest, Christmas, Easter
  4. We also try to keep our group updated on other family friendly activities in the area.
  5. Friday School offers additional meetings - 6 times each semester during Fall and Spring


What is the difference between SVCHE membership and Friday School?


SVCHE membership includes an annual fee of $40. The membership provides access to our secure website, weekly newsletters, field trips, family activities, seasonal parties, teen parties, field day, graduation and acheivement night as well as mom's night out events throughout the school year.

Friday School is offered as an add on to SVCHE membership. Registration for Friday School is a separate event and in addition to group membership. About 2/3 of our group normally participates in Friday School each semester. Friday School is completely voluntary and run by the parents as volunteers. Parental involvement is required since the program only works if we all work together. Parents provide the classes that students participate in. Friday School is never a drop-off activity. Friday School does have separate fees, but we do keep the fees very affordable.


What is Friday School?


Friday School offers both academic and enrichment classes for SVCHE member families. Friday School meets 6 Friday mornings during each semester from 9:00 - 11:40 a.m. and offers three 40 minute class periods. Nursery and preschool are available for younger siblings. Friday School is not a drop-off program. Families work together to provide the classes and everyone is asked to help to make Friday School a success. 


How much does SVCHE membership cost?


SVCHE Membership for the 2024/2025 school year is $40. Friday School has additional costs.


How much does Friday School cost?


Friday School cost include a building fee of $10 and student service fees of $5 per student. Some classes such as cooking and art classes may have additional fees to cover supplies. Some classes have an external teacher and will have an additional charge.