Lighthouse Home Educators



What is homeschooling?


Homeschooling is home-based, parent-directed, and privately-funded education. 

Per HSLDA online public charter schools are not homeschools.


What is a homeschool co-op?


A co-op is a group of people working co-operatively to achieve a common goal.  The LHE co-op is a group of homeschool families that have joined together to complement each other in providing educational and enrichment opportunities for our children.  It is expected that at least one parent will assist in some aspect of the group by teaching a class or coordinating an event. 


What activities are offered?


We offer a variety of activities for all ages in Lighthouse.  Our vision is to have all age ranges learning at the same time.  A sample of activities we offer include weekly classes each semester (6 weeks per semester) that focus on enrichment type activities, field trips, guest speakers, and workshops.  Our family events include a Kick-Off Picnic, a Thanksgiving Celebration, and a Year End Program.  We also have an annual Field Day and offer IOWA testing.  There are also activities for moms (Safe Harbor).  These events are for fellowship, support, and mentoring.

The details of all of our events, including locations and costs, are listed on the calendar.


What is Safe Harbor?


Lighthouse desires to be an anchor for our members in their homeschool journey.  Therefore, we offer various events catered for moms.  These events can be Bible studies, curriculum reviews, homeschool discussion nights, craft nights, meet and eats, and retreats. These events are optional but a way to encourage one another. The events are published to members.


As a parent/guardian what am I expected to do at LHE activities?


LHE can not function as a co-op without each family helping.  Therefore, we ask each family to either teach a class or coordinate something.  There are many jobs that need done and if everyone assists in something, it makes the group run smoother.

During classes you will either be asked to teach/lead a class, be a helper, or be a hall monitor.  If you are a new family to the group, leadership will normally not assign you to teach until second semester to give you a chance to get used to the group.  To be a helper in a classroom means that you will actively assist the teacher with the class.  For example, you may help to pass out supplies or clean up.  Helpers also escort children from class to class.  A hall monitor is just that, you sit in the hallway and assist if a need arises.

Leadership understands that not everyone has been gifted or feels comfortable teaching a class.  Therefore, we provide other opportunities for you to serve the group.  This could be coordinating a field trip, orgainizing a luncheon, etc.  When you join/renew with LHE you will fill out a survey that gives leadership an idea of your interests and where to place you.

Leadership also understands that there are seasons in life where taking on extra responsbilities aren't possible, such as when caring for an elderly relative, having a baby, adoptions, etc.  Leadership has the option to take these things into consideration.

At all events we expect the parents and children to follow the Expectations of Behavior


Does an adult from my family have to stay at LHE activities?


Yes. Parents are expected to stay on the premises during any class/activity their child is attending. If you have an emergency situation, leadership understands and will make exceptions for those times that you need to leave the building (as long as another LHE adult agrees to oversee your children and take responsibility for them while you are away). Your times away must only be occasional and cannot be on a regular basis.


Does my family have to participate in classes in order to do other events? 


Yes. If your family does not participate in classes, your family will not be allowed to register for field trips and other events. Leadership does understand that situations may come up where a family might not be able to participate in classes. If this occurs, the family should inform leadership of the situation prior to class registration. Leadership may take this into consideration in determining whether or not you will be permitted to register for other events that semester.


What ages do my children need to be to participate?


LHE offers opportunities for ages nursery through high school.  However, to join the group a family must be homeschooling at least one child in kindergarten (age 5) or higher grade.


Are there any class/activity rules?



Everyone must follow the Expectations of Behavior (adults and children).

There must always be 2 adults in each class.

Children are to be escorted to/from the restrooms during an activity. 

Children are to be escorted from class to class. 

No child is to be released on their own after a class or activity.


What are the class sizes?


There are classes for nursery through high school.  Leadership tries to keep class sizes to no more than 20 students. At times, the SURF/SAIL classes may exceed that number depending on the type of class offered.


What grade should I register my child?


Since LHE is an enrichment type group, children are placed in grades based upon their age rather than their academic level.  Our age requirements do allow for you to advance your student one grade between 1st and SAIL.  Other than children in Nursery-Toddler, a child is required to stay at the selected grade level for the entire school year.  Certain grades have a minimum age requirement (see below), but the other grades are flexible within a year or so of the recommended ages to allow the parent to decide.

The minimum age requirements for

Kindergarten--age 5 by 9/1

7th (SURF)--age 11 by 9/1

9th (SAIL)--age 13 by 9/1


What fees are involved for LHE?


To be a member there is an annual membership fee to cover administrative costs.  The current fee is $65/family.

Most of the classes and field trips offered during the year have a nominal fee ($0-$10).  Some classes and field trips may have fees ranging from $5-$20.  These fees are determined prior to registration and are listed on the registration form so you will be able to make choices according to your budget.   


How do I join Lighthouse Home Educators (LHE)?


LHE will open up membership for new families in the summer if there are openings. Since LHE's mission is to encourage one another, leadership tries to maintain the size of the group to around 50 families. 

If there are openings, leadership requires to meet each prospective family in order to answer any questions and to make sure LHE will meet the family's needs. This is normally done one evening by offering an "open" house at a local park for all interested families. 

Our group  is unique and the leadership understands that LHE does not meet the needs of everyone. If our group isn't a good fit for your family, we'd be glad to offer assistance to help you find a homeschool group that will. We truly want to encourage all homeschool families in this adventure of educating our children.

After the meeting, if your family is still interested, we will request that you submit a membership request form via this website.  Once all the information is submitted, leadership will review it and determine if membership will be accepted or declined. It is leadership's desire not to turn away anyone who truly wishes to be part of the group, but as leaders we must consider the number of students since we do limit class sizes and are limited on room space.