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Website Access Request (AFTER Membership 2022-2023 completed)

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 Access to this secure site is for SWGHA members only. Membership for the 2022-2023 year is now open.

Click on MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION 2022-2023 link at the top left to register your membership  This will update all of your information - contact info, as well as your children's GRADE levels. This is very important for a number of reasons! We don't want anyone to be left out of events!

At the conclusion of that form, you will be taken directly to PayPal, our secure payment center. 

Once you have finished at PayPal, there is one last step for any member!

Come back to this homepage to request website access,  by clicking "Join" at the top right.  This will bring you back to  "Website Access Request" Link.

Once your membership forms, waiver and payment have been processed, your website access will be approved. Approval may take  several hours to process. Please contact us for more information.

Our website is the hub of communication so please don't forget this step so you will be in the know!


We feel we have much to offer and look forward to serving you soon.

Southwest Georgia Homeschool Association

2021-2022 Membership Form

Statement of Agreement

             I/We have read the Constitution and By-Laws of SWGHA and are in agreement with the statements of authority, purpose and belief of this organization.  Furthermore, I/We agree to abide by said guidelines (Article VI, Section 4) of the By-Laws. SWGHA is a Christian organization of homeschoolers.  We are open to Christians of all affiliations and non-Christians as well; however, all should understand that we are committed to Biblical standards in all that we do.  Our guiding principles are Deuteronomy 6:4-7 and Leviticus 19:18c.

            I/We have read and agree to abide by the SWGHA Waiver and Code of Conduct.

             As a volunteer organization, each family is relied upon to help assist with activities and events. I/We agree to lead or assist with an event, teach, clean, or help in some capacity for the benefit of SWGHA and members.

SWGHA Waiver and Code of Conduct

The undersigned hereby acknowledge that the activities and/or programs in which they, or their minor children, may be involved at Beattie Road Church of Christ (BRCC) or any other designated location, as arranged by the Southwest Georgia Homeschool Association (SWGHA), have inherent risks of accident and/or injury, which risks the undersigned expressly assumes.

While BRCC and SWGHA shall take reasonable measures to ensure a safe environment, the undersigned hereby voluntarily waives and relinquishes any and all rights, claims, or causes of action which might otherwise be brought against BRCC or SWGHA and its’ officers for any accident and/or injury which might occur to the undersigned, or their minor children.

The undersigned further acknowledges that many of the activities and/or programs at BRCC, as arranged by the SWGHA, require that the participants be in good health. By execution of this document, the undersigned hereby affirms that they, and their minor children, are in good health, or have consulted with their physicians, who have advised that they, or their minor children, are in suitable health to participate in SWGHA programs and/or activities.

All children under the age of 16 must be supervised by a parent. All participants are expected to respect the personal property of SWGHA members and the BRCC property. Inappropriate behavior or conduct is unacceptable. SWGHA board of directors retains the right to determine what constitutes inappropriate behavior or conduct, and retains the right to deny participation in any SWGHA activity or program.

These guidelines shall be in force at all times, regardless of the location of the SWGHA function (e.g., on field trips, at churches other than BRCC, etc.). The undersigned acknowledges that BRCC and SWGHA are relying on this waiver and release. (Parents, please review this with all family members.)

  1. the undersigned, understand that while participating in any way, that the parent is responsible for their students and their actions. We understand that BRCC, SWGHA, its instructors, its board members, and/or volunteers are NOT responsible for the child or any damage or injury that occurs to the child or by the child, and further release the above from any and all liability. We further understand that there is inherent risk for any activity, and that any injury to a student/child during any SWGHA activity is the parent’s responsibility. We understand that the child is participating at his/her own risk, and acknowledge full responsibility for him/her.

Photo/Video Waiver Form

I am aware that pictures and video of my child may be taken as a participant in SWGHA. I am aware that pictures and/or video may be published in the SWGHA Yearbook, newspapers, magazines and may be posted to the SWGHA website. The pictures/video will be used for the purpose of promoting SWGHA. I have read the foregoing disclaimer and agree to be bound by it. If I change my mind regarding these statements, I will submit a letter in writing requesting that those images be removed.


We, the undersigned, understand that while participating in any way, whether at Beattie Road Church of Christ or at any other location hosting a SWGHA sponsored event, that the parent is responsible for their child/children and their actions. We understand that SWGHA, its instructors, its board members, and/or volunteers are NOT responsible for the child or any damage or injury that occurs to the child or by the child, and further release the above from any and all liability. We further understand that there is inherent risk for any sport or physical activity that may be included as part of a class or event, and that any injury to a student/child during any SWGHA activity is the parent’s responsibility. We understand that the child is participating at his/her own risk, and acknowledge full responsibility for him/her.

I hold harmless Beattie Road Church of Christ and its representatives and members, understanding that they are not responsible for the activities of SWGHA and its representatives.




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