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Publications / Articles

New Home Educator

Dear New Homeschool Educator – Posted 7/7/17
Jyl Griffin
File 2

Dear new home educator,

Welcome to the journey! Many people have asked me over the years why our family home educates. I am in my 13th year and getting ready to graduate my first child! This is a valid question for us all to ponder individually when asked. I would like to challenge you to create a Mission Statement. Ask yourself these things... (select File to continue reading this article)

Ladies Meetings Handouts/Notes

Life Mask – Posted 11/28/18
Jyl Griffin
File 1

Have you ever been on an airplane and the stewardess goes through instructions in case of emergency? She tells you that if an emergency arises to put your life-mask on first, then assist the person next to you. In a Christian’s life, our life-mask is our growing relationship with the Lord. As moms/teachers, it is tempting to run low on taking care of ourselves.... (select File to continue reading this article)

Teaching from Rest: Margin – Posted 10/23/18
Jyl Griffin
File 1

Happy Fall, Ya’ll! Now that we are in October and have several months of school under our belts, I wanted to share the word “margin” to you from Teaching from Rest. Since I was unable to be at the ladies October meeting due to illness, I wanted to send out the idea of “margin”. Sarah Mackenzie gives some great suggestions in one of her chapters on how to look at your homeschool schedule and add in “margin” in the planning. What is margin? She gives this definition as restoring emotional, physical, financial and time resources to your overloaded lives... (select File to continue reading this article)

Prayer Apron – Posted 7/7/17
Jyl Griffin
File 1

Motherhood. One word filled with many definitions. One who meets the physical, spiritual and emotional needs of others, one who gives selflessly, and serves generously. The list goes on. I have been reading about Susanne Wesley. She was married to a preacher, had 19 children, 9 died in infancy. Two of her sons, John and Charles, grew up to be life-changers in our world bringing millions to Christ through the preaching of the gospel... (select File to continue reading this article)

How to Make a Homeschool Vision and Mission Statement – Posted 7/7/17
Jyl Griffin
File 1

How to Make a Homeschool Mission Statement

Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Why are we home educating our children? List the reasons. This will be the core of your Mission Statement.
  2. What are our spiritual goals? Educational goals? Academic goals?  What do we want our children to learn, and why?
  3. (select File to continue rreading this article)