Code of Conduct


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The Importance of a Code of Conduct

The Consortium is a supplement to parent-led learning and social training. Although each ETC family is bound to have slightly different standards of behavior, the ETC Code of Conduct outlines standards that are in keeping with Biblical guidelines on which the majority of us have agreed and/or are beneficial in a group situation.

Each person attending an ETC event, whether adult, youth, or child, will be expected to abide by the following standard of behavior. We have all agreed to be held to this standard and we are trusting one another to keep that commitment. Therefore, if you chose to leave your child(ren) under the supervision of ETC Instructors and volunteers, you should feel assured that these common standards of behavior will be expected of your child. It is each parent’s responsibility to be knowledgeable about, and to make their own child(ren) aware of, ETC’s standards of behavior. Likewise, enforcement of these standards is ultimately the responsibility of the parent(s) of each student. The Commitment Pledge that you and your children sign is your agreement to participate in all ETC events accordingly.

A standard of behavior that encourages everyone to act in a Christ-like manner will make Consortium classes manageable for everyone. We trust that this will open new opportunities for our group.

Standards of Behavior

1 Peter 3:8--Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another, love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous...


  • Refrain from any careless, unkind, foolish, or rude behavior.
  • Let the command to “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” be your guide. Commit to representing Christ in your attitudes and behaviors toward others.
  • Bullying by using power, strength, information, or popularity to control or harm others is unkind and is prohibited.


  • Honor others with your speech.
  • Children and adults alike should refrain from making unnecessary noise or participating in off-topic discussions or activities during classes and assemblies.
  • Curse words, any use of the Lord’s name in vain, and other offensive speech are unwelcome at the Consortium.
  • Insults, and slamming will not be tolerated.
  • Lying is defined as deliberate deception, is a serious offense, and is absolutely forbidden.

· Distortion or the attempt to distort or conceal a person’s inherent identity by representing him- or herself as a gender different than that which aligns with his or her biological sex, as a species other than Homosapien is deliberate deception.

· Misrepresenting a Biblically defined familial relation is deliberate deception.

Gossip can do a great deal of damage.

· Any small or idle talk about the personal affairs of others qualifies as gossip.

· Spreading someone else’s news or business, whether good or bad, is no one’s job but that person’s. If you’ve heard news that must be discussed, it should be discussed with the person to whom the news pertains. If you are unable or unwilling to go directly to the person involved, act as if you never heard it.

· If you are a party to a conversation that turns into gossip you have a responsibility to shut it down or walk away.

  • Expression of support for an idea, a position, a behavior, or a lifestyle that the Bible defines as sin is not allowed at ETC.
  • Proselytizing in favor of a belief system or religion other than Biblical Christianity is also not allowed.
  • Talk of a sexual, sensual, explicit, or graphic nature is NOT allowed at ETC classes or activities. These prohibited topics include but are not limited to adultery, fornication, pornography, homosexuality, bisexuality, transgender or transsexual lifestyles, prostitution or other forms of sex “work”, or any form of sexual activity outside of Biblical marriage. The only exception might be for an Instructor-led, parent-approved, Leadership-sanctioned classroom activity.


  • Show respect for others’ property by using only what you have permission to use.
  • Keep personal items inappropriate for classroom activities at home or put away. Any violation of this rule may result in an item being confiscated and held until a parent retrieves it. A few examples of such items are toys, knives, cell phones, gaming devices, off-topic media, etc.
  • Take care to leave every place in a better condition than you found it.
  • Restitution for abuse or neglect of others’ property, including church property, will be the responsibility of the member causing damage.

Electronic Devices and Internet Access:

  • Students should use electronic devices during class time ONLY for class activities as directed by the Instructor. Students should only access the internet under the direct supervision of their own parents or as directed by an Instructor for the purposes of approved class activities. Use in study hall for school work only would be considered an approved class activity.
  • If a student believes it is important to use their electronic device they may ask Consortium adult for permission. If granted, the student must stay near the adult for supervision while using the device.
  • The church Wi-Fi password is available only to Instructors and Leadership.
  • Students should not share their Internet-ready devices, or any content on them, with any other student.
  • There will be zero-tolerance for inappropriate Internet use, up to, and including dismissal from Consortium. Any electronic devices used contrary to these guidelines will result in the student’s parent being called to campus immediately. If the student's adherence to this policy is in doubt it is best for the student and/or parent to make the decision that the student will leave their device at home.
  • There will be zero tolerance for the inappropriate use of media.
  • ETC Leadership and Instructors will make no attempt to monitor or intercept any communication outside of ETC classes and activities. ETC Leadership and Instructors are not responsible for students’ online conversations outside of ETC-sponsored forums. Any online forum, chat, group, or other entity that uses the name of ETC without the express written consent of the ETC Board of Directors will be asked to immediately cease such use of the organization’s name or face disciplinary or punitive action.


  • Children should show respect for adults in speech, manners, behavior, and attitude.
  • Organized group events are an ideal place for homeschool students to practice group etiquette by raising their hands before speaking, waiting for a turn, and occasionally standing in line.
  • Parents are encouraged to instruct their children to use “Mr.” or “Mrs.” with last names when addressing adults, including Instructors and Class Assistants at the Consortium.
  • Limiting interruptions, looking for opportunities to serve, and practicing first-time obedience are a few ways our children can show respect.
  • Students should swiftly and happily comply with any instructions or requests from an ETC teacher, assistant or member of leadership as long as it is not illegal, immoral, or dangerous.


  • Show your appreciation to Instructors, Class Assistants, and guest speakers by being obedient and respectful.
  • All in attendance should listen quietly and attentively. The use of common manners will be expected.
  • Children should raise their hands before making comments or asking questions.
  • Part of showing respect for the Instructor is to come to class prepared. If preparation is required for the class and student comes to class unprepared, he/she may have to observe during that portion of the class which required preparation.

Being an Example:

  • All members should be mindful that they will be looked to by younger peers for examples of the standard of behavior in a given situation.
  • Set a good example and offer deference to younger members at all ETC events.


  • Keep in mind general principles of cleanliness, neatness, modesty of dress, and good personal hygiene.
  • Always dress modestly. This applies to males and females, children and adults, regardless of the activity you are in the middle of, coming from, or going to. Please cover up.
  • Males and females, from young children to adults, should avoid being a stumbling block to others by being sure that their dress and conduct is modest at all times.
  • Clothing should not be tight or revealing.
  • Neither underwear, nor cleavage, midriffs, upper thighs, or other private areas of the body, should be exposed at ETC events.
  • Do not expect that an exceptional activity or extreme weather will warrant an exception to ETC’s guidelines for modesty.
  • When in doubt, please err on the side of modesty.
  • Clothing worn at any ETC event may not display words, graphics, pictures, or symbols that are offensive or violate any ETC policy. Clothing may not support or promote an idea, belief, behavior, or lifestyle that the Bible defines as sinful.


  • ETC events, including the Consortium classes, are not the time for coupling up.
  • Since each family has different ideals and expectations about dating or courtship, ETC activities or discussions should not be a place for the practice of either.
  • Obvious flirting and any public displays of affection should not take place at ETC activities.


Physical Contact:

The following guidelines have been implemented in an effort to eliminate any inappropriate touch, eliminate pressure some students may feel to touch or be touched, and to respect students who don’t want to be touched or have physical/emotional adverse reactions to touch.

  • Physical contact should be limited to what is necessary. Consider if there is a good reason for the contact.
  • Physical contact should be limited to minimal touch of minimum duration.
  • Physical contact should be welcomed by all involved. Each person who initiates physical contact must first ask permission from the person with whom they would like to make contact. A decline of physical contact must always be honored.

Health Concerns

The use of products (perfume, essential oils, cleaning products, etc.) that are designed to or can easily become air born and in doing so may irritate another person in a way that creates discomfort or health issues is prohibited. Please refrain from using these products if you become away that it creates an issue for those you may be around. (Preference does not apply.)

As membership and health conditions evolve there may become the need to restrict food that is brought into common areas. If you are notified that a particular food is unsafe for someone at ETC please immediately exclude it from your lunch or snacks.

Enforcement of the Code of Conduct
Of course, we all understand that children misbehave at times. An advantage of homeschooling is that, in most cases, we get to be with our children to help train and guide them through new or difficult social situations. One of the reasons for participating in group activities, such as ETC Events, is to have opportunities for social training that we might not have within our own homes. Because we are partnering with other homeschooling moms we should be surrounded by friends who understand the trials and joys of this significant responsibility. Understand that minor infractions of the Code of Conduct will be handled in the following manner.

Offense #1 Verbal warning from the Instructor or Room Assistant
Offense #2 Verbal warning from the Room Assistant
Offense #3 Verbal warning and moved to sit by the Room Assistant
Offense #4 Removal from the class to sit by the Check-In/Out Attendant. In this case, the parent will be notified through an Incident Report completed by the Class Assistant.
Offense #5 If steps 1-4 occur more than once within an eight-week quarter, the parent will be asked to attend class with the child or withdraw the child from the class.

Steps 1-3 or 4 may be skipped in the case of a serious infraction of the Code of Conduct. A child may be removed from class, without warning, at the discretion of the Class Assistant and/or ETC Leadership. A student’s parent will always be notified in such cases.

We believe that we do one another a disservice by neglecting to make one another, as parents, aware of issues that might need to be addressed within our own families.

Handling an Offense
As we fellowship and build relationships, we trust that all will be thoughtful of others and display Christ-honoring attitudes and actions. When instances arise where there is an offense or concern, approach the matter prayerfully, first considering your own part in the matter. Then let the Matthew 18 principle be your guideline:

This means that you should speak directly, in a calm, friendly manner, to anyone who has offended you or caused you serious concern. If you are unable to resolve the problem between the two of you, please bring the issue to a member of ETC Leadership. They will assist you in further addressing the matter with the parties involved. If there continues to be a problem, the entire Leadership Team will be consulted and brought in to handle the problem from there.

It is our prayer that these guidelines will unify and protect our members. Ensuring that everyone is clear about what is expected and how ETC activities will operate, will hopefully prevent conflict.

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