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To Join or Renew

Welcome to HEART!  The membership fee is $30 per family per year. 

If you are a returning member - RENEWALS click HERE. (Once you have made your payment, it may take up to 48 hours to become unparked.)



If you are joining HEART for the first time - NEW MEMBERS click HERE. (After you have created your account, you can send your membership fee via PayPal.)

When creating your profile, please fill the boxes labeled: Primary last name, first name, and primary email with one parent's data and fill the boxes labeled Secondary last name, first name, and additional emails with the other parent's data.

Please take time to look over the HEART Bylaws and Handbook

Thank you for joining HEART! Don't forget to check the calendar for the many upcoming events for your family to enjoy. 


Please visit PAYPAL and direct your payment of $30 to heart.billing@gmail.com