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Membership Guidelines

Each HEED family agrees, through its HEED membership, to support and further the corporate purpose and vision expressed in these Bylaws and the HEED Statement of Faith. Each member expressly covenants the following:

  1. To actively home school, pursue home schooling, or to have successfully completed our child’s education at home.
  2. To recognize that information shared in this support group is not offered as legal advice and should never substitute for proper legal counsel.
  3. To maintain discipline of our own children or children under our care while involved in any group activity, outing, or field trip. If our children or those under our care disobey the activity leader, or activity rules, the activity director or other HEED parent or sponsor may correct them per discipline guidelines set forth by the HEED Board of Directors. We expressly agree to observe and abide by any HEED rules or regulations governing HEED field trips or other sponsored activities.
  4. To understand and agree that neither HEED nor its members are liable for any injuries or other mishaps ccurring during HEED sponsored events.
  5. To actively participate in HEED events, either as a Coordinator, or in at least one area listed on the membership form. Failure to fulfill the unit of service obligation without proper exemption may result in a $100 fine.
  6. To maintain active fellowship with other Christians, and to avoid membership or association with any organization which denies the HEED Statement of Faith.
  7. To maintain the HEED Privacy Policy and refuse to release or disseminate, by e-mail or any other means, private membership information to any entity outside of HEED.
  8. That we do not have a home school student who has been expelled or asked to voluntarily leave a public or private school; or has threatened destruction, violence, or death toward any person or property. We understand and affirm that our membership in HEED shall be immediately terminated should our child engage in such behavior.
  9. That we understand the reason for and agree to pay annual membership dues.
  10. To protect HEED property and to return any borrowed materials in as good a condition as they were received or to reimburse HEED for replacement value of lost or damaged items.
  11. To be bound by the provisions of the Statement of Faith, Terms of Membership and HEED Bylaws and to honor the revocation of our HEED membership if we violate any of those provisions.