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Co-op Guidelines

Co-op Participation Requirements-

  • Agreeing with and signing our Statement of Faith

  • Turning in Act 153 Clearances

  • Signing our Health & Safety and Release of Liability papers (can read and submit form on your profile page)

  • Committing to taking 2-3 hours of parent jobs each co-op day (this could be hall monitor, hang out monitor, nursery helper, etc.,)

  • Paying our Annual Fee prior to class registration (collected in two parts, see: Membership & Fees (homeschool-life.com) )

  • Paying Class Fees to our teachers directly after registration by the deadline (or children may be removed from class).


Co-op Guidelines-

  • Co-op Classes

    • New members are needed to help the first year but cannot teach for the first semester.

    • Children may advance a grade/class at the discretion of the parent and with the agreement of the teacher with the understanding that a later change may need to be made.

    • S.E.E.K. classes are only for children of the member`s immediate family or those of whom the member has legal guardianship.

    • Cut-off date for new families to join is July 1. Any exceptions will be at the discretion of leadership.

    • If a student is not performing to the teacher`s expectations, the following procedure shall be followed: First, the teacher will discuss their expectations with the student. Secondly, the teacher will talk to the parents and student. Thirdly, the student will be asked to leave the class, or the parent will be given the option to sit in on the class for a few weeks. If there is a 4th offense, the student may not return for the rest of the year, and will not be considered a candidate for returning the next year.

  • Members must remain in the facility while their students are attending classes. (*There are VERY few exceptions to this and they MUST be approved by leadership AHEAD of time.)

  • Member needs to remain at the facility and be available during hours not in a Parent Job in case of a class room emergency or any other situation where extra help is needed.

  • If a member is ill and cannot attend co-op classes, that member`s child(ren) may attend classes if in grade 7 and older and supervised by a designated attending member.

  • If you are going to be absent, you will need to find a replacement for your jobs. You will be provided with a list and system to help you all with that. If you cannot find a replacement, you can then contact the current Parent Job Coordinator. However, you are expected to give it your best effort before contacting her.


A co-op is a mosaic of families with different needs and desires. Even with a shared purpose of educating children there always will be unique factors to consider as you are trying to accommodate everyone’s needs. The leadership will make the decisions they feel are best for the co-op as a whole. That does not mean that everything will always appear “equal” or “fair”. Leadership makes the best decisions they can with the information they have. If you have an issue with any decisions made, then please question them directly.