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HSCC is made up of families who come together with the purpose of encouraging and supporting the home school community. The organization is based upon volunteer participation. Therefore, each year's classes are based upon the participation of our members who volunteer to teach a class/subject. 

Classes for the fall semester will be held online only from October 22nd - December 18th.  Because we are in an online format, we can offer classes multiple days of the week.  Please be sure to check each class description for the specific days and times they are being offered.  

We are hopeful to be on campus in January for our spring semester, so stay tuned for class updates. 

2023-2024 Classes

Acting 101

ASL (online)

Beginning/Intermediate Band/Orchestra

Chinese (online)

Culinary Art/Pastry Art 1 & 2


Intro to Acting

Japanese (online)

Korean (online)

Intermediate and Advance Math Tutoring (Partnering with EFM Educational Consultants, LLP.)

Personal Finance/Stockmarket Game

Spanish (in person and online)

High School Science (Biology and Chemistry) Virtual (Mon., in person Thurs.) Study Hall Wed.


(Moms ministry)

American Heritage Girls

NCFCA Speech and Debate


St Ignatius Church

2317 Brinkley Road

Ft. Washington, Maryland 20744