Branches Central

/Out Thursday

indicates a required answer

/Out Sheet

Thursday's sign-in/out is now online!  Each Thursday, we sign in at the lobby on a paper form; we let Branches know we made it to campus, make Branches aware of any absent family members for attendance purposes, and in rare cases where the parent will be absent but the child will be on campus, you will list your Parent On Property (POP.)


  • be on campus before you sign in telling your Branches Team you have arrived
  • sign in prior to the start of your first period

Leaving early?  Fill out this form again and let us know...we will log it for you. Don't forget to let the Floater Coordinator know if you will be missing any of your jobs and responsibilities so you will have a substitute.  This includes if your job is to be a floater. 

For example, if you are a floater 5th period, but need to leave early, let your Floater Coordinator know...floater jobs./commitments need to be reassigned.  

Thank you Branches Parents!


Your Super Duper Attendance Coordinator


1. *

Family Last Name: (i.e. Fromm)

2. *

Are all family members in attendance?  If the answer is no, please list any and ALL absent family members. 


Parent On Property (POP):  If the parent is absent, but the child/children are campus, let me know who your Parent On Property will be. Branches is not a drop-off program. A responsible adult must be present to care for your child(ren) at all times. In an emergency or unusual situation, like illness, you can have another parent care for your child. Otherwise, all parents are expected to stay on campus at all times. So if you are absent, but your child/children are in attendance, tell me below who your Parent On Property (POP) is. (This form can be filled out by the P.O.P in your absence) 


Signing out early? Taking the whole family with you?  If students are staying on campus let us know who your P.O.P. is in the field above. Remember to sign back in upon your return. (i.e. 11:10 sign out, POP=Sally Mason OR 1:40 family leaving for the day) Please text the Attendance Coordinator if you have jobs to be covered.