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Where and when does EASTS Co-op meet?


We meet at A Community of the Servant-Savior Presbyterian Church at 11303 Hughes Rd, Houston, TX 77089. It is located near where 45S and the Beltway meet. We meet for at least 12 weeks per semester, on Friday mornings, from 9:00 a.m. to noon.  Our semesters typically start in late August or early September and in January. 


What classes are offered?


Our classes are different each semester depending on the interests and needs of our families.  

For Fall 2023, we plan to offer:

Gardening Club
Dungeons and Dragons
Board Games
Teen Social Hour



How much does it cost?  


There is a family fee of $50 each semester. This fee covers our basic expenses such as website maintenance, building fees, and liability insurance. This fee is non-refundable. In addition to the family fee, each class costs $25 per student. Some classes may have an additional supply fee or a required textbook. See class descriptions for that information. Class fees can be refunded on a case by case basis up until the 2nd week of class.


Are masks required at EASTS?


Currently masks are not required at this time. However, we reserve the right to make changes to our mask policy if the Co-Op and Steering committee determine it is in the best interest of the families of EASTs.


An inclusive co-op?  What does that mean?


EASTS is an inclusive co-op.  The word "inclusive" can mean different things to different people. At EASTS, it means that everyone is welcome. Our membership is comprised of families that look, learn, love, vote, and worship in different ways. Our members are expected to respect and accept each other. 


But you meet at a Christian Church.  Are you a Christian co-op?


We meet at Christian church and we have some Christian members in our co-op, but we are not a Christian organization. We do not have a statement of faith, but follow an unwritten code of conduct that matches what is generally considered to be good manners in our society.  We expect each co-op member, adult and child, to be kind, courteous, and respectful to each other.  


What is your relationship to A Community of the Servant-Savior Presbyterian Church?


Servant-Savior kindly allows us to meet at their facility, they are also an inclusive, affirming congregation.  We show our gratitude by participating in service projects at the church and by making a financial donation.


What are my responsibilities as a member of the co-op?


We ask families to commit to the co-op for an entire semester.

Each adult who will be present at co-op must pass a background check.

We require that a parent be present at co-op while classes are in session. Occasionally, we allow a parent to do work from home while another adult co-op member is responsible for the children; those situations are decided on a case-by-case basis by the Steering Committee.

Our classes are taught by parent volunteers, but teaching is not a requirement. We do not ask parents to teach classes that they are not interested in teaching. If you are not teaching a class, you may be asked to be an assistant in a class.  We require two adults in every class room for the protection of the students and adults so you might be asked to assist in this capacity.

Each parent will be asked to assist in some capacity.

In addition to assisting or teaching a class, you may decide to volunteer in another capacity such as field trip coordinator, registration coordinator, volunteer coordinator, etc.  If you'd like to help out, but don't know how, please ask one of our seasoned members!



Do I have to teach a class?  Can I teach a class?


We prefer that adults be members for one entire semester before volunteering as a lead teacher for a class. Take a semester to get acquainted with EASTS and make sure that it is a good fit for your family. 

It is not mandatory that you teach a class but you may find that you have an expertise or interest that our students would love to learn.

If you are not a lead teacher in a class, you may be asked to assist in some of our classes to support the lead teacher.


I'm interest in joining, but I'm still not sure.  How can I find out more?


Here are a few ways to get better acquainted with EASTS:

  • Come visit our co-op for a day during the semester. Send us a message to set arrange a visit.
  • We hold one or two open houses before the start of a semester. We try to publicize these as much as possible.
  • Reach out to us via email or social media if you would like to chat with a seasoned member.



What if there isn't a class offered for my child's age? What if my child does not want to take any of the classes offered at a particular time?


Each semester we plan classes for the next semester that meet the needs of students and parents currently enrolled. As new families join we have the flexibility to add classes. Typically these are offerings that do not require a lot of preperation and are tailored to the ages of the new children.  For students that are not interested in any of the classes offered in a time period we try to provide a study-hall option. There is no registration or supply fee for study hall.


What if my child just wants to take one or two classes? Do we have to stay for then entire co-op time?


You only have to stay for the classes that you are registered. Every family pays the $50 family fee regardless of the amount of classes they take.