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Membership Guidelines

General Behavior

  1. Intracoastal Adventures is a Christian based faith group and each family is expected to uphold the Statement of Faith.
  2. IA represents homeschooling and above all, Jesus Christ to the community at large and to each other.  The actions of group members should make this a positive representation.
  3. Children are expected to be respectful of people and property. This includes; obeying adults in authority, speaking respectfully to both adults and other children, and taking care of facilities where IA meets. In the event that the behavior of a child becomes disruptive to the point of difficulty for the group as a whole, the child’s parent will be asked to remove the child from the event.
  4. Parents are responsible for their children's safety and behavior at all times.
  5. For the safety of all children, NO weapons are allowed at any IA event (pellet guns, BB guns, sling shots, knives, etc.).
  6. We highly encourage children to unplug from digital entertainment (phones, iPad, gaming units) and spend their free time playing, exploring, and connecting with friends while at the park.
  7. In order to prevent the spread of illness to a minimum, we ask that you not attend events if you or your child has been ill in the past 24 hours.  Including, fever above of 100 degrees, vomiting or diarrhea, head lice, chicken pox, pink eye, and infectious disease. Please cover open wounds.
  8. Guests are always welcome to IA events; however, some events may have a limited number of participants and IA members will be given priority over guests. 
  9. The Membership Directory contains all member families contact information and is available on our website. Please do not use this list for any kind of sales or solicitation efforts, nor should members share this information with non-members.

Membership Requirements

  1. Adhere to all Membership Guidelines.
  2. Pay the annual membership fee of $20 per family.  This fee covers the cost of the website and group fees.
  3. Plan and execute at least one group event prior to the end of May.  This event could be a field trip, service project, or educational class.

Field Trips

  1. When on an IA field trip, follow all guidelines set by the location. Children and adults should give their full attention to those in charge and should give a positive representation of IA in behavior and manners. Members should follow times and arrangements made with the location by the field trip coordinator.  
  2. Signing up for IA field trips takes place online through our website calendar. For fee-based field trips, payment must be made by the deadline established by the field trip coordinator. If payment is not recieved by the deadline, your sign up may be canceled. If a sickness or unforeseen event prevents your attendance, please contact the event coordinator. In some cases a refund may not be possible.
  3. A video tutorial on submitting a calendar event can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxy-rpiNfmk 
  4. The field trip planning form can help with preparations and can be found at: https://www.homeschool-life.com/1790/file_retrieve/51734


The Intracoastal Adventures leadership is made up of three members who will set all policies/procedures and make decisions regarding group governance. The leadership includes: Becky Brubaker, Charity McKee, and Adrianne Amundson