student hot glues a crystal to a staff, table top game, backlit biology experiment, students stands holding a foil, FPV goggles, transmitter and tiny whoop drone, cooking utensils, student's handing w Score and rehearsal for Babes in Toyland during the Spring 2019 semester a whisk in a bowl of frothed liquid from How to Boil Water during Spring 2019 semester two PHS students practice Ballroom Dance during Spring 2019 Semester money and worksheets from Japanese during Spring 2021 semester fencing gear including foil, glove, and helmet sit on the floor next a PHS student during a spring 2019

Course proposals in search of an instructor | 2023–2024 To Publications / Articles - Course proposals in search of an instructor | 2023–2024

Posted 1/26/23
PHS Leadership Team | Course Planning

ALTThese proposals have yet to go through the coming course interest survey, but if you see something you can teach or if you know someone who can teach one of these, let the Course Planning Team know via email to

  1. Art History

  2. Music History

  3. The History of Stage Makeup | The History of Makeup Effects

  4. Gaming through History: Ancients

  5. History of Weapons

  6. Middle School Cooking Class

  7. Archery

  8. HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts)

  9. Saber Fencing

  10. Economics 101 — why socialism is better than capitalism

  11. React

  12. Climate Change Solutions

  13. Planning Sustainable Cities

  14. Transit Planning for Sustainable Cities

  15. Animal Science

  16. Nutrition Science: This Is Not a Diet Class

  17. Booby Traps

  18. Gadgets — tentative: Peter Hoh (needs more information)

  19. Structural Engineering — tentative: Peter Hoh (needs more information)

  20. Pyromaniacs in Training


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