SCOPE Christian Homeschool Co-op

SCOPE Tuition and Fees

SCOPE Tuition and Fees

2024 – 2025

  • SCOPE Membership Fee - $80.00 (non-refundable)
  • SCOPE Volunteer Fee - $60.00 (refunded at end of 2nd semester if all volunteer hours are completed) – More information to come!
  • $50 Building Usage Fee to EMBRACE Church (due 8/29/2024)
  • Tuition
    • Year-long 90-minute class - $330
    • Year-long 60-minute class - $220
    • Semester class - $110
    • PK Spanish - $65/year (Preschool and Kindergarten ONLY)
    • Preschool & Kindergarten (3-hour class) - $580/year

Tuition may be paid in full on 8/29/2024 or in two payments – ½ on 8/29/2024 and the second ½ on 2/6/2025.

Semester classes may be paid in full on 8/29/2024 or at the beginning of the semester the class is held.

  • Piano/Guitar Lessons are $26 per lesson for a total of $780/year – It can be paid in full on 8/29/2024 or in four payments of $195 each on 8/29/2024, 11/5/2024, 2/6/2025 and 3/18/2025.
  • The Membership and Volunteer fees are paid online.
  • All tuition and the EMBRACE Church building usage fee must be paid by personal check or cashier’s check only.
  • If payment is late, a $35 fee will be charged.
  • There is no refund of class fees as of the first day of class.