Cahaba Academy Cahaba Academy Cahaba Academy Cahaba Academy Cahaba Academy Cahaba Academy

Public Business Directory

The Business Directory has been established for Cahaba Academy members to list their personally owned business.  We encouraged members to list their business in this directory.  We also encourage members to support member owned business!


Ablaze Plumbing LLC

Plumbing - Sewer - Gas

Nick Hoffman

Master Plumber & Master Gas Fitter

License and Insured

Contact:   Trussville, AL 35173   |   Phone: 205.977.0088

Dan Tipton Art Studio

Pet portraits, family portraits, sports action shots, scenery, etc. Let me know if you'd like to commission me for a anybart project you are interested in. 

Contact:   Odenville, AL 35120   |   Cell: 2058639474

Usborne Books & More

Contact:   Cell: 9033433633

WeemsLaw, LLC

My wife, Stephanie and I, are both attorneys practicing in the Birmingham, Trussville and surrounding areas - and throughout the State.  Stephanie is a partner with Massey, Stotser & Nichols, PC, located on Highway 11, and can be reached at 838-9000.  We began our practice in the last milenia (1999), and believe ourselves fortunate to be able to participate in the education of our children through Cahaba Academy, while also assisting those in need of legal services.

Contact:   Post Office Box 611054, Birmingham, Alabama 35261   |   Phone: 2058566100