COVID-19 Policy

  •  All OVCHE members 18 and over must sign the Waiver/Release for Communicable Diseases Including COVID-19.

  • It is the responsibility of the member family to ensure any guest attending the OVCHE Event has signed the Waiver/Release for Communicable Diseases Including COVID-19.

  • OVCHE will comply with recommendations for the safe operation of our Christian service based non-profit. While gatherings of greater than 10 people are not prohibited for "religious facilities, entities and groups, and religious gatherings", we have implemented several things to help ensure the safe operation of our group. This includes sanitizing stations throughout the building with hand sanitizer, wiping down high traffic/touch areas frequently such as handrails, door knobs, etc, wiping down desks/surfaces frequently.

  • In the interest of privacy if any person in your household has been exposed to or tested positive for COVID-19 please inform our nurse liaison Martha Clarke, R.N. 740-827-7554 cookiemartha5@gmail.com .

  •  Please do not bring potentially exposed, but not yet sick children, to events.

  • If anyone who lives in my household is sick, my entire family will stay home from the OVCHE event. Illness will include all current COVID-19 symptoms as well as anyone that has had a fever defined as 100.0 or higher, vomiting, or diarrhea, and those with a cloudy, runny nose or a consistent cough within the last 48 hours

  •  Current COVID-19 symptoms include cough, fever (100.0), chills, muscle pain, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, sore throat, a new loss of taste or smell, gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.

  • If I or any of my children develop any symptoms of illness while at an OVCHE event or co-op, I will collect my children from their  classes, notify the person in charge of the event or the parent job coordinator that I am leaving, and then take my family home.

  • My family and I will participate in frequent hand washing and sanitizing, and will cover coughs and sneezes properly.

  •  I will fill out the COVID-19 Screening Form the day/date before any OVCHE Event/Co-op but no later than 4pm the night before for my household and any guests attending.

  • My family/guests are responsible for knowing and following all guidelines set forth by the facility at which the event/co-op is held.

Cleaning Policy for Co-op

· All water fountains will be closed

· Hand sanitizer stations will be placed throughout the facility

· Hall Monitors will wipe down frequently touched surfaces such as exterior door knobs and hand rails

· A cleaning team will clean quickly between lunches

· Teachers/Assistance will wipe down surfaces and interior doorknobs at the end of their classes