Juniata County Christian Homeschoolers Juniata County Christian Homeschoolers Juniata County Christian Homeschoolers Juniata County Christian Homeschoolers Juniata County Christian Homeschoolers Juniata County Christian Homeschooler's



What health screenings are required and at what grades?


Health screenings are mandated by the state of Pennsylvania for all homeschooled children.
They are as follows:
Physical — original entry,6,11
Scoliosis — 6,7
Dental — original entry,3,7
Vision — all
Hearing — K-3,7,11
Height & Weight — all


What testing is required for my homeschooled child?


Each child is required to take nationally normed standardized tests in reading/language arts and math in grades 3,5,8 with results to be included in the portfolio. The PA state website has a list of approved tests that you can have your child take.


Who may evaluate my child?


According to the HSLDA website: “An annual written evaluation of the student’s educational progress” by (1) a licensed psychologist, (2) or a teacher certified by the state (with two years of teaching experience), (3) or a nonpublic school teacher or administrator (who must have at least two years teaching experience in the last ten years in public or nonpublic schools).  At the request of the supervisor, persons with other qualifications may conduct the evaluation with the prior consent of the local superintendent.