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Statement of Faith & Releases

indicates a required answer

The following agreements will be binding for as long as you remain members of CWF. This includes if your family takes time off from attending and returns at a later date. 

CWF Statement of Faith

As a Christian homeschool co-op seeking to glorify the Kingdom of Christ, we come together and agree to the following doctrines of the Christian faith:

  • We believe the Bible to be the infallible Word of God, the supreme and final authority for all faith and life.
  • We believe that there is ONE God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • We believe in the deity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, His bodily resurrection, His ascension and His imminent bodily return in power and glory.
  • We believe that man was created in the image of God but fell into sin and is therefore lost, and only those who put their faith in Jesus Christ alone can be saved.
  • We believe that salvation is the gift of God brought to man by grace and received by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, whose substitutionary death on the cross provided forgiveness for man’s sin.
  • We believe that the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to convict men, indwell, guide, instruct and empower the believer for Godly living and service.
  • We believe in the spiritual unity of believers through our common faith in Jesus Christ and that individual doctrinal differences which may exist should not hinder the unity of Christian homeschoolers.
  • I have personally accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord and am striving to live a life that is pleasing him.
1. *

I have read the CWF Statement of Faith. I agree to abide by its tenets and not contradict these beliefs especially while teaching at CWF. Please type your full name in the box below.

CWF Rules and Guidelines Acknowledgement

2. *

Our family has read and agrees to abide by the CWF Member Handbook (please click link and the read entire document before signing). Please type your full name in the box below.

CWF Photo Release

I hereby grant Christian Workshops of Fox Valley (CWF) permission to use my likeness or the likeness of my child/children/wards in photographs and video in any and all of it’s publications or on the World Wide Web, whether now known or hereafter existing, controlled by CWF in perpetuity. I will make no monetary or other claim against CWF for the use of the photograph(s)/video.

Note: Photos are mainly used in our semester closing programs and annual yearbook. We also like to post a slide show of photos from the previous semester on the CWF webpage for prospective members (we will remove any photos at a parent's request). Admin will not post any pictures with children's faces to public social media pages. CWF takes no responsibilty, however, if another member does so (please contact other members directly to request removal of any photos.)

3. *

I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand the terms of this Photo release. Please type your full name in the box below.