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What are the age ranges of your classes? 


Our classes start at the Kindergarten level for the 4 and 5 year olds and run all the way through 12th grade.


How many service hours will I be required to fulfill for a given semester?


One parent of each family enrolled is required to sign up for 5 different 2-hour service duty shifts, but usually our parents only serve 3 or 4 of these 2-hour shifts in a given semester, depending on how many families we have enrolled. Every family fulfills the same number of shifts regardless of how many children they have taking classes.


What kind of compensation will I receive if I sign up as a Classroom Assistant? 


It is the tutor who selects and hires an assistant. Any payment or tuition for a student in return for assisting will be an agreement reached between each tutor and their assistant.


What is the maximum class size for each grade level?


Class size depends on the tutor’s desires and capacity, the size of the room, and the safety of the children.


What is the class withdrawal policy?


We ask that you inform both the tutor and the board of GHC of your student’s withdrawal.  Material fees are non-refundable and tuition fees are non-refundable after June 30th.  


Are GHC tutors hired by Grace Church of Fredericksburg?


No, they are not. GHC is a ministry of Grace Church, who generously hosts us and provides spiritual and administrative oversight, but our tutors are hired by you, the parents, so all tuition fees are written directly to our tutors.