Uniting Homeschool Families Uniting Homeschool Families Uniting Homeschool Families Uniting Homeschool Families Conroe Area Christian Home EducatorsUniting Homeschool Families

About Us

The Mission of the Conroe Area Christian Home Educators is to unite homeschooling families in activities that are beneficial to the physical and the spiritual, as well as the educational, development of the entire family. It is our intention to provide activities, field trips, and meetings that are Christ-centered and family-oriented. We desire to offer support and encourage interested parents in their home schooling journey.

CACHE is the oldest ongoing Christian home school support group in Montgomery County, Texas. The group began in 1988 as Conroe area families mobilized against the deficiencies of secular progressive education. That institutional education has arguably sought to wrest children away from the influence of their parents, and from traditional Biblical principles - indoctrinating them with value relativism, situational ethics, evolution-based materialism/humanism, and peer dependency.

CACHE has been assisting homeschool families for nearly 30 years by providing a network of support, experience, and Christian community in the difficult task of educating children the way many great Americans have been educated - including George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. That education has included an abundance of family wisdom and guidance with emphasis on Biblical principles and character training for the crucial formative years.

Our home school support group has helped area parents graduate hundreds of fine young people from high school, strong in Christian character and accomplishment. And we invite you to participate with us as we all seek a better way, taking advantage of the homeschooling freedoms and opportunities available to us!

Statement of Faith

This support group is Christ centered; therefore, we shall try to do all things in a manner that honors Biblical principles and brings glory to God and His name.

We believe:

  1. In the deity of Jesus Christ - that He is, was, and shall forever be God the Son (John 1:1-14).
  2. That His life was perfectly sinless, and that His sacrifice on the cross is complete for the atonement of sin (1 Peter 2:21-22, 24 and John 19:30).
  3. That man possesses a bent for sin and must personally accept the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ as payment for the penalty of those sins (Romans 3:23, 6:23, Acts 16:31 and John 1:12).
  4. With respect to the Bible, every word as orginally written is the inpired word of God. (2 Peter 1:20-21, 2 Timothy 3:16)

Membership Benefits

Membership is open to any family that is homeschooling at least one of their children and agrees to abide by the policies and procedures set by this group. We encourage you to be an active member participating in activities throughout the year. CACHE membership benefits include:

  • Reduced dues for membership in HSLDA and THSC.
  • Participation in all CACHE activities, such as field trips, park days, etc.
  • Participation at no cost in any curriculum sales hosted by CACHE.
  • Participation in the CACHE Senior High graduation ceremonies.
  • Lots of fun, fellowship, and friends!
  • Alumni memberships (regular dues apply)

Guidelines for all CACHE Events

Each member (including parents) is expected to abide by the following guidelines for all CACHE events. CACHE events include all activities such as field trips, park days, small group functions, meetings, book sales, Mom's night out, etc. 

  • Alcoholic beverages are not allowed.
  • Profanity shall not be used.
  • No suggestive or offensive language, innuendoes, jokes, or actions
  • Clothing (including caps) shall not be worn at CACHE events that has advertising having to do with alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, violence, sex, new age, profanity, occult, or gangs
  • Dress modestly. Short-shorts, halter-tops, crop tops, cleavage, etc. are not allowed.
  • Tattoos with offensive language, pictures, innuendoes, violence, sex, profanity, occult, etc. should not show at any time at a CACHE event.