Untitled Header Image Chesterfield Presbyterian Church Homeschool Network Chesterfield Presbyterian Church Homeschool Network

Class Descriptions and Schedule

Homeschool Network meets on Thursdays.

Class Descriptions:

 Kindergarten and 1st Grade - Kindergarten and 1st Grade meet in self contained classrooms with a single teacher.  The 1st Graders participate in Art and Music and then attend a self-contained classroom for the remainder of the subjects.

Communication - Students in grades 3-8 will develop the skills they need to write well. HSN uses the Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) curriculum.  This class may require the additional purchase of an IEW text.  Students in K-2nd grade will learn oral communication skills, basic writing concepts, story sequencing and retelling and more.

Science - Students will study the physical world and wonders of creation with lots of hands on activities and labs on a rotating variety of general science topics. Students may participate in a biannual science fair. Apologia Physical Science is offered to 8th graders through the high school program.

PE - Students will learn healthy stretching habits, increase their knowledge and skills of basic sports, play fun large-group games, and develop Christian sportsmanship.

Art - Students will explore different media, learn new techniques and apply them as individual tastes allow.

Music - Students will explore the world of music and express themselves through movement, playing instruments and singing. Older students learn to play the recorder.

Geography - Grades 2-4: Students will explore the cultures and traditions of other nations and learn basic geography skills. Fifth graders will follow a special Missouri unit to gain a thorough knowledge of our state and its history.  Grades 5-6 may study Missouri History on alternating years.  Grades 5-8th will take a Geography related course - Global Studies.  Students in Global Studies will encounter the history, culture, and relevance of global regions via a variety of opportunities to process their learning through both individual presentations and group projects.

Literature - The goal of this class is to inspire a love of literature by broadening students' literary horizons through quality books from many genres.  Students will also learn and apply literay analysis through the use of mentor texts, notebooking, engaging activities, team collaboration and book-based projects.

Options for 1st through 8th Grade students are as follows (see kindergarten below):

Option 1: Full Day – 1-8th Grade 

Option 2: Half-Day Morning (8:45-12:30) 

Grades 1-4 take “B” classes (Art, Music, Geography)

Grades 5 -8 take “A” classes (Communication, Science, Literature)

Lunch and PE are included for all grades

Option 3: Half-Day Afternoon (12:30-3:15)(Lunch and PE are not included in this option)

Grades 1-4 take “A” classes (Communication, Science, Literature)

Grades 5– 8 take “B” classes (Art, Music, Geography)

Kindergarten Only Option:

We offer a self-contained kindergarten classroom.  This class has its own teacher and the students do not change classes/teachers during the day.  During the morning classtime students will explore a variety of subjects including literature with associated activities, circle time with show and tell, phonics, handwriting, music and math.  Recess will take the place of PE and students will bring their lunch to enjoy time with classmates.  During the afternoon class time the students will explore the following subjects: science, social studies, art and story time. 

A yearly non-refundable registration and supply fee is payable with registration for options 1, 2, 3 and kindergarten. If registering by June 1, the registration fee is $90 for the first child in the family and $65 for each additional child. If registering after June 1, the registration fee is $110 for the first child and $85 for each additional sibling. You will be invoiced for the registration and class fees.