Redwoods Homeschool Community Redwoods Homeschool Community Redwoods Homeschool Community Redwoods Homeschool Community Redwoods Homeschool Community Redwoods Homeschool Community

Volunteering To Publications / Articles - Volunteering

Posted 6/8/23

Members are expected to make an effort to connect with others, participate and be engaged, and serve on a Team.

We can't do this without you! Our community thrives when everyone does their part.

  • If you are attending or signing up for one of our programs (Tuesday Co-op, GAB Club, Seedlings) you'll be expected to teach or lead or help during the program.
  • If you are attending or signing up for one of our activities we may ask that you bring something and/or help out at the activity.


Serving on a Team is expected and a wonderful way to offer your passions, skills, talent and heart to the Community.

Teams communicate in Slack. Please be sure you are added to the Team(s) that best fit you.

  • Activities Team - Help give ideas and help to plan Field Trips, First Friday Fun Days, and Mom Nights.
  • Co-op Teacher Team - If you are currently teaching or would like to teach next semester, join this team to communicate ideas for classes, needs, and support one another.
  • Events Team - Help plan our homeschool events such as the Not Back to School Picnic, Homeschool Exhibition, and Curriculum Sale.
  • GAB Guidebook Team - Help create lessons for our GAB teachers.
  • Hospitality Team - Help to welcome new families, send out cards, make meal trains, etc.
  • Research Team - Help to present and advise the board of available options to better make decisions. Typically research tasks will pertain to "behind the scenes" decisions, such as which option is best for safety training implementation, or from which company is best to buy fundraiser T-shirts.
  • Seedlings Team - Connect with families with children age 6 and under. Help to facilitate an activity for the Seedlings Program.
  • Supply Team - Help to keep track of our equipment and supplies. Help to keep our closet neat and orderly.


{Redwoods Homeschool Community will only be able to offer programs, events, and activities for which we have volunteers willing to help. Naturally, the number of offerings made available will be directly related to the number of members.}