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Faith, Family & Friends To Publications / Articles - Faith, Family & Friends

Posted 7/28/20

Faith-Family-Friends (F3) is a low budget co-op based on the Biblical idea that the body of Christ should bless one another with the gifts and talents that God has given us and encourage each other in the calling of home schooling. F3 is a true volunteer co-op that has been operating on a $0 budget for over 10 years. Our parent/parents must stay at the co-op either teaching or helping in some way. We are opening our co-op to more families for the 2020-2021 school year.

We will meet on Mondays from 9:15 am to 2:40 pm. Our first class for all age groups is Apologia Science and this next year we will have two class periods after lunch. We take children from birth to 12th grade. Our mission is to cover classes our students need and that are developmentally appropriate for our kids.

There will be a building use fee of $100 per family for the year plus an additional $10 to cover supplies and incidentals. Each class usually has a small fee for the year to cover supplies used for the classes. We are all volunteers and no one is paid. We clean the church when we leave to make sure that we are a blessing to them and continue to have a safe place to meet.

Grades are only given to students in high school and some Jr. high classes. Please visit our website and join our Facebook page: F3 Waco Co-op.

Email us @ f3wacotx@gmail.com for more information.
