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Homeschooling Info

Homeschooling Info

New to homeschooling? We've compiled a few links to help you get started:

The Organization of Virginia Homeschoolers (VaHomeschoolers) 

"is an independent, non-profit, member-driven, statewide organization. We are committed to providing homeschooling support to our members, as well as accurate information about homeschooling to Virginia’s families, school divisions, legislators and policymakers, the media, and the community at large."

Looking for specific VA homeschool regulations and how to get started, go here: https://vahomeschoolers.org/guide

Facebook groups:

Secular Homeschooling in Virginia

Chesterfield Secular Homeschoolers

Richmond Freethinking Homeschoolers

RVA Homeschoolers

Homeschooling Websites: 

Secular Homeschooler

SEA Homeschoolers: Secular Eclectic Academic