K-6th: Cumberland County 911 Facility
K-6th: Cumberland County 911 Facility
Date: Feb 9, 2024
Time: 1:00p-2:00p
Cost: FREE
Ages: K-6th
Location: 1 Public Safety Dr, Carlisle
Sign up: all attendees
Contact: Beth Mellott: HomeschooLegacy.com
Come meet some real, live 911 operators and learn what happens after you make that important call. How do they know where you are? How do they call for help while they are still on the phone with you? Get answers to these and many more questions.
We will start off in their training room and get a brief overview of their department. They will educate our children (at an age appropriate level) regarding 9-1-1 use and what to remember. They also have a video they will show.
Then, depending on the group size, we will split our group into two and do a tour of their Emergency Operations Center and 9-1-1 room. We will return back to the training room for any questions.
Cumberland County 911 Facility Harrisburg Area Homeschoolers Association HomeschooLegacy@gmail.com false mm/dd/yyyy aUinrLWZczwYavqgBmQP30959Date – Time
February 9, 2024
– 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Cumberland County 911 Facility
1 Public Safety Dr
Carlisle, PA 17013 US
Additional Information
K-6th: Cumberland County 911 Facility
Date: Feb 9, 2024
Time: 1:00p-2:00p
Cost: FREE
Ages: K-6th
Location: 1 Public Safety Dr, Carlisle
Sign up: all attendees
Contact: Beth Mellott: HomeschooLegacy.com
Come meet some real, live 911 operators and learn what happens after you make that important call. How do they know where you are? How do they call for help while they are still on the phone with you? Get answers to these and many more questions.
We will start off in their training room and get a brief overview of their department. They will educate our children (at an age appropriate level) regarding 9-1-1 use and what to remember. They also have a video they will show.
Then, depending on the group size, we will split our group into two and do a tour of their Emergency Operations Center and 9-1-1 room. We will return back to the training room for any questions.