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Co-op Outline FAQ


Is this a drop off?


No, we operate through a cooperative model and do not offer any drop off options.


What does a co-op day look like?


We begin arriving at 9:40 for a short opening at 10:00 where announcements are made, prayers over the day are given, and our teens lead the co-op in a short worship and praise. From opening, our families are dismissed to classes where you will find two adults per classroom in an interest based class. We break for a 30 minute lunch and then wrap up the day with our third and final class. Following our gathering we spend 15 minutes to pack up and tidy where needed before ending at 2pm


Do you have teens?


Yes!! We welcome additional teens who are eager and excited to be part of an amazing group of kids. We encourage teen leadership at Anchor by allowing the teen group to help lead opening through worship, devotional, and prayer. 


What if I don't want to teach?


We understand teaching can be intimidating but, we encourage you to bring us any concerns you may have so we can help you work through them. We are a 100% cooperative group and depend on everyone bringing their gifts, talents, and interests. Please email us to discuss teaching further if you have strong concerns.


How often do you meet?


We meet once a week on Mondays


Do you have holidays or time off?


Yes, we have a holiday schedule incorporated into our co-op year. This includes a break for all but the first week in December. These allow us time to recharge and connect together through social events (Teen Christmas party, Moms Choctober, Family skate night) during these times. 

Registration or Dues FAQ


How much does co-op cost?


Below is the cost breakdown for co-op. No membership fees are due when applying to Anchor through Homeschool life. Fees will be coordinated through the treasurer upon acceptance.

-Non-refundable Registration Fee: $40 per family
due annually upon membership approval
-Family Membership Dues: 100$ per semester
-Student Dues: 20$ per child, after the first, at a max of 60$. Eg; If you have one child, you do not pay an additional student fee. If you have 6 children you're maximum student fee is 60$


Do I have to sign the Statement of Faith?


By signing our Statement of Faith you are agreeing that you will not teach, guide, or direct any member of Anchor against the guidelines set forth. We do require this to be signed by all members so you are 100% aware of the perspectives and dynamics of our co-op.  


What are fees used for?


Registration covers a background check, basic supplies, and insurance coverage. Family dues cover the cost of building rent, class supplies, event and incidentals fund. Student fees cover the remaining child insurance coverage cost. Any additional class fees have been calculated by teachers and only apply to the students registered in their class. 

Teacher FAQ


Do I have to teach?


You are asked to teach or help two out of the three periods and. Teachers/co-teachers can alternate weeks and share the responsibility. Occasionally someone is really passionate about a class, wants to take the lead, and is okay with the other person being a helper and backup when the main teacher is gone. It is up to the two co-teachers to figure out how they are going to share the load. We also try to pair veteran members with incoming families so they have an opportunity to learn our culture. 


How are teachers and classes assigned?


Ok, here's a lot of info, hang on tight. Through our online form, parents suggest classes they would like to teach. The co-op votes on what classes they want after all the suggestions are submitted. If the class you suggested is voted in, you will be partnered with a co-teacher who is there to help you for the entire session. The two of you have complete control over your class dynamics; for example, if you would like to 'share the load' and alternate teaching, totally up to you. 

Class FAQ


What classes do you have?


Our offerings are based on interest from our co-op families. Through this process we have excited instructors who are passionate about their subjects with students who are excited to expand their interests. Our classes change through each session and year. When finalized a draft of our schedule is available for interested families.


Do any classes have extra fees?


Some classes have material needs above and beyond what the co-op typically provides. Sometimes instead of a fee the teacher will provide a supply list. All additional material requests and supply fees will be clearly stated in the description area when registering for a class.


I don't see grades listed. What class should my child be in?


Because homeschoolers often fluctuate between grades, our classes are offered by age. Our cutoff is September 1st of the current school year and students will remain with that group for the entire year.


Can I just take one or two classes?


No. We are set up so that everyone is involved for the entire day. All students must be enrolled in and attend one class per period in their appropriate age group. The parent accompanying each family is required to teach during two class periods.