First Class East Gresham

Online Registration Instructions


Registration Instructions

  • Log in 

  • Hover over “Class Info” (next to the Home button under the picture)

  • Click on “Class Registration”

  • The Matrix will pop up

  • Please choose (1) grade appropriate class, for each child, for each block

  • Also, choose two classes to assist (Admin will add the teachers)

  • All classes need a teacher and an assistant.

  • Other ways to fulfill the co-op requirement of helping in two blocks would be:

    • Choose a Hall Monitor position (preferably a returning member who understands the ins and outs of Friday School

    • Choose a Float position (once all classes have enough help it is safe to choose a Float position.  If you select a Float position but there are still assistants needed for classes, you will be assigned to a class in need and removed from the Float position)

    • Choose an "off" block that doesn’t conflict with your assisting choices.

  • Please click on this LINK to sign up for three weeks of set up or clean up dates.  Please be courteous of others and do not type over someone else’s choice.

  • Please note: Student Helpers need to be inputted by an Admin at this time.  We hope to have the glitches worked out soon so that families can make this choice seamlessly.  Send the Student Helper information to Sarah (503-319-1744 or for Staffing purposes.

  • Once you have completed all of the class registrations, please look to see if Admin successfully added the Family Fee ($25) and Building Fund Fee ($20).  If those are included on your invoice, you may pay online (there is a convenience surcharge of 3% if you choose to pay online)

  • The final invoice will be available to you in your online profile.

  • If you chose not to pay online, please pay in-person on 8/22/24 from 6-8pm at the church.

  • While you are logged in, please click HERE to fill out the Emergency Contact Form (this is needed for All Famiilies for the Fall Term)

To recap, if the following items are completed prior to the ALL-Member Orientation, you are free to leave after the orientation.  

Please check with Carrie Darnall before leaving the building.


  • Background Check is Completed?

    • ALL NEW MEMBERS need a Background Check

    • Returning Members who need a new Background Check (have been notified via email)

  • Emergency Contact Form filled out for the new school year?

  • Signed up for 3 weeks of Set-up and/or Clean-up?

  • Signed up for Teaching and/or Helping in two blocks AND selected the correct "Off" Block?

  • Have you had your picture taken?