Code of Conduct
The following personal code of conduct must be agreed to by every member attending PATHS:
I accept that I am on property owned by and operated as a Christian church; I accept that my instructors are people of faith and are using primarily Christian materials. As such, I agree to conduct myself with respect to all people and materials and the physical site. I agree to dress conservatively and to speak decently while at PATHS. I agree never to be involved in any sort of bullying and/or aggressive behavior and will not display, bring, or discuss on campus any symbol of hate or discrimination.
Respectful Dialogue: Students will be expected to maintain an atmosphere of civility and respect in their conversations. Comments should respect a diversity of opinions and backgrounds, and should be presented in a civil manner. Personal or malicious attacks, along with attacks directed towards a certain race, ethnicity, lifestyle, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc, will not be tolerated. Failing to be respectful of other students or their personal beliefs may ultimately lead to one’s temporary or permanent removal from PATHS.
The use of tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs is prohibited on the premises. Adults and students are prohibited from bringing firearms or weapons of any kind onto the property.
A founding principle of PATHS is the importance of Christian mentorship. Your administrators believe that concerns about an individual's conduct should be met with guidance. Should improper or questionable conduct occur, the administration will make every effort to partner with involved parties in resolving the issue. If the issue cannot be resolved or becomes a threat to the physical, mental/emotional, or spiritual wellbeing of others, PATHS reserves the right to terminate services with the individual(s).
Updated January 2024:
I acknowledge and accept that PATHS uses audio/video surveillance on site as part of their security measures.
PATHS closes promptly at 3:00PM. Please ensure your children are picked up promptly. Late pickups, regardless of notification, will result in a $15 charge per 15 minutes late. PATHS reserves the right to limit and/or terminate the enrollment of families with more than 3 late pickups.
Updated February 2024:
This dress code shall always apply to students onsite at PATHS or any PATHS-sponsored event.
Students are encouraged to “dress for success” as mature young adults and make clothing choices consistent with PATHS’s mission of providing a safe, less-stressed learning and social environment for all students.
We ask students to dress and groom themselves as individuals with a sense of responsibility and self-respect. So, it’s not a matter of what you must wear; it’s more a matter of what is appropriate in a learning situation. Specifically, clothing that becomes disruptive, if it is offensive, threatening, or provocative to others, is vulgar, displays tobacco or alcohol advertising, profanity, racial slurs, and displays images of drug use or gang-related symbols should not be worn at PATHS or PATHS sponsored events.
Students have a right to choose their dress and personal appearance if it does not interfere with the educational process or academic decorum, endanger student health and safety, or cause undue maintenance problems for the school. The following policies are provided to help parents and students choose appropriate dress choices while attending PATHS:
All private parts must be covered at all times. Students may not wear immodest clothing, which includes clothing that exposes undergarments or inappropriately exposes the body (such as bare midriffs), clothing intended as swimwear, or sleepwear. Further:
? Students may not wear pants in a sagging manner (below the hips).
? Pants shall not be ripped nor extend below the heel of the shoe.
? Students may not wear or carry hats, caps, head wraps, scarves, bandanas, or other head apparel during the school day unless that head apparel is part of a student’s customary religious attire.
? Students may not wear chains on wallets or belts, as these may pose a danger.
? Shoes must be worn at all times. Close-toed are preferred.
? Students may not wear sunglasses in class.
Why does PATHS have a dress code:
To further the PATHS mission: to provide a positive learning environment that prepares students for work, family, personal advancement, and fulfillment.
Ensure that clothing and appearance do not distract others from pursuing their academic goals.
Discourage the endorsement of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs and disruptive behaviors.
Respect all students’ and staff’s personal beliefs, religious rights, and freedoms.
Violations of the dress code will result in the following:
a. First violation: a verbal warning.
b. Second violation: a written warning requiring a reply from the student’s parent or guardian.
c. Third violation: Students must return home and change into appropriate attire.
d. Fourth and subsequent violations: suspension, the duration to be determined by the severity of the infraction and the student’s willingness to cooperate with school officials and adhere to the standards of the dress code.