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About Calvary Old Bridge Home Education Group (CCOB-HEG)


Purpose: The Home Education Group of Calvary Chapel Old Bridge exists to aid parents of children 3 to 18 years of age as they seek to excel in their God-given role to educate their children (Deut. 6:7). Through our website & forum, the HEG provides an avenue for Christian home educators to network, fellowship and encourage one another.

Who we are: We are a ministry of Calvary Chapel Old Bridge (CCOB). Although many of the families attend CCOB, we have a significant number of families that attend other fellowships in the area. Our group averages approximately 160 families.

Family Service Commitment: In order to encourage communication and fellowship with one another and enhance our child(ren)’s education, we encourage participation in group activities. There is no one person responsible for planning activities for the group; rather, it is the result of individual contributions made by the families that comprise the HEG. In order for our community to thrive and grow, a commitment to helping and serving is an expected role for all families. This can be in joining in on the planning/organizing of events to helping with the setup/clean up of events. We ask that families play an active role in the HEG community.

Responsibilities: Parents are responsible for being the full-time primary educator of their children. Each child must be accompanied by a parent during all HEG activities. Parents are expected to encourage God-honoring behavior in their children.

Communication: Our main source of communication is the HEG website. For the protection of our members, we do not publicly advertise our activities. The online calendar is only available to active, registered members. We also communicate via the online forum for the purpose of sharing information, websites, and encouragement or prayer requests.

CREATE co-op: is a cooperative of homeschooling Christian families and is a ministry of Calvary Chapel Old Bridge’s Home Education Group. We are designed to be a support and supplement to homeschooling families through prayer, fellowship, and diverse class offerings.