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Welcome to our Military Families!

Welcome to Virginia!  TCHE began in 1991 and has always been a resource for the military families stationed at Fort Lee.  We are a stable, organized homeschool support group that has many military families involved.  We understand that your family may not be here very long, that's ok, we're here for you whether you're here for 6 months or 2 years.  Please visit us at one of our meetings or CLICK HERE  get more information. 

Membership registration will open August 1st.   


Homeschool Filing Information for short term military stays:
Under VA homeschool law you are required to file a notice of intent (see forms) with the school district you are living in while you are here.   Unless you file under the religious exemption statute you will be required to submit proof of achievement to the superintendent by Aug. 1.  If you are leaving before the school year is complete you are not required to submit the proof of achievement because you would then be in another school district somewhere else.  But if you are leaving, for example, in July, you would still be required to submit proof of achievement.  Please read the laws on the "Forms" page for more detailed information on children who have not reached the age of 6 by Sept. 30 and information on standardized testing. 

For further information, please email tchepresident@gmail.com.

For other questions about homeschooling in VA, (HEAV) Home Educators Association of VA 804-278-9200 or visit heav.org.

For Fort Lee information, please contact Chaundra Taswell, School Liason Officer at chaundra.e.taswell.naf@mail.mil or 804-765-3813.

Have a great day and we look forward to meeting you in person.