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Tri-Cities Home Educators statement concerning COVID-19
UPDATED: 7/30/2021
Coronavirus / COVID-19 Warning & Disclaimer
Updated: July 30, 2021
COVID-19, Flu, Colds, Germs: 
As you know, Coronavirus, COVID-19, the flu, colds, etc. are all contagious, most of which spread easily through person-to-person contact. Please continue, as a family, to take the precautions that you see fit for your family to keep yourself from getting sick and spreading anything else to others.
TCHE is subject to any rules and mandates required at any facility that we might use for events.  As we represent Christ, TCHE and the Homeschool community we will do our best to post the requirements of each facility if they are more specific or involved than TCHE.
What are we doing:
All events will require sign-ups to adequately prepare.  Only those signed up may attend.  This is more for us to be prepared for each event rather than be surprised by the number of attendees.
Masks are a personal choice.  If your family feels more comfortable wearing one that is completely up to you.  
We are washing our hands, staying home if we have a fever or our child has a fever, if our child is simply not feeling well, not coughing in others faces and such.
Above all, we are standing firm in Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”