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Membership Waitlist

indicates a required answer

We are sorry to report that we have reached our capacity membership level for 2024-2025 and must close our membership window.  If you would like to be added to our 2024-2025 Waitlist for Membership, please give us the following information.  We will contact you by email if a spot opens up.


1. *

Parent(s) Name

2. *

Your Email Address

3. *

A text phone number

4. *

Please tell us how many children you wish to enroll at IHG and what are their ages and grade level (as of September 1st and for the 24-25 school year).
An example would be something like 3 children ages 0 years-Nursery,  7 years - 2nd grade, and 10 years - 5th grade.  List only children attending co-op including babies and toddlers for the nursery and preschool.

Also, please note that our membership policy states that the OLDEST child registering must be 7 years old by September 15th.

Thank you for your interest in IHG.  Someone will contact you if/when a spot comes open.  

Blessings, the IHG Board