HomeStars HomeStars HomeStars HomeStars HomeStars HomeStars

Students of Truth and Righteousness "Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever." Daniel 12:3


Open House 2022

indicates a required answer

Education Options in the Chippewa Valley
Open House
Tuesday June 28th 4pm-7pm
Bethesda Lutheran Church
123 West Hamilton Ave - Eau Claire
Free to the public

HomeStars is hosting an open house showcasing many education options offered in the Chippewa Valley... 

Request a table (form below) if you offer a student service such as....

  • Competitive Sports, Club Sports, Gym Class, Health Class
  • Christian School, New School, Rumors of new schools, Charter, Private or Christian
  • Debate, Speech, Logic, Literature/book Club, World View
  • Tutoring services for early readers, struggling readers, math, science, art
  • Choir, Band, Orchestra, or other specialty music groups
  • Homeschool groups, co-op classes, field trips
  • Christian curriculum vendors (space limited)
  • Mentoring any of the above

Homeschooling resources and support is our preference, yet we know education and student interests look different for every family. You may be enrolled in a small Christian school that cannot provide the sports your student wants but most non-traditional schools will allow outside club attendance to fill their need and yours.

Many parents have indicated that they were just simply not aware of competitive school sports, choir, debate, help in getting started or so many curriculum choices. 

Request a table below. We reserve the right to deny any vendor at our discretion if it undermines our core values and purpose.  EC school district need not apply.

Huge decisions will be made on this day and a child's education is a personal and private matter! Video, photography or news media is prohibited at this event.
Please print a flyer and help distribute.  

1. *

Contact Name:

2. *

Phone Number

3. *


4. *

Name of Organization (homeschool group, private school, sports team etc)

5. *

If you are a school what kind? charter, voucher, online, homeschool group, sports team, private school, public school and where can we verify it.


6. *

Table or Space you are requesting:

Whole table Able to share at table with someone
I will bring my own table/display.