Excelsior Homeschool Cooperative Excelsior Homeschool Cooperative Excelsior Homeschool Cooperative Excelsior Homeschool Cooperative Excelsior Homeschool Cooperative Excelsior Homeschool Cooperative

Contact us!

indicates a required answer

Please fill out the following form for more information about our co-op. We look forward to hearing from you!

1. *

Parents' first and last names:

2. *

Family or parent email address:

3. *

How long have you been homeschooling?

4. *

What are the ages and grades of your children?

5. *

How did you hear about Excelsior?

6. *

We are no longer accepting applications for the 2023-2024 school year.  Would you like to be kept on a list to receive information for the 2024-2025

 Open House?

Yes No