SMIC Academy SMIC Academy SMIC Academy SMIC Academy SMIC Academy SMIC Academy

What We Require

Scripture commands us to submit ourselves to one another, and to the governing authorities (Romans 13:1; 1 Peter 2:13-15). Even though the law no longer requires you to enroll with a church school ministry, SMICA Board members do believe it is wise for you to do so. SMIC Academy will hold you accountable as parents to train your children diligently in the Lord and in accordance with the provisions laid out in our manual (summarized below).

Faculty Meetings and workshops
- Three general faculty meetings each year (August, November, April)
- Parent High School Orientation 101 & 102 (summer before oldest child is 7th-8th grade and 9th-10th, respectively)
- Premiers membership for K3-3rd grade families (minimum 2 years required)

- Annual Curriculum Information form due at August faculty meeting
- Four progress reports/year for 1st-6th grades 
- Two progress reports/year for 7th-12th grades 

- Annual Attendance form due with final progress report

Tuition and Fees
-see What It Costs

Standardized testing
Every other year beginning in 4th-10th grade

Section 3.5 of SMICA Policy Manual: If a diploma from SMIC Academy is to be a meaningful document, we must ensure that our graduates have at least mastered the rudiments of education. Standardized testing is an imperfect measure of a student’s ability, but it is the best means we now have for tracking progress. 

SMICA will offer a current edition, proctored achievement test every year (currently the Iowa TBS); 
Or a parent may choose at-home testing which may be arranged by parent through other testing services;
Or you may choose another local provider
Testing FAQs
Other Testing Options (Stanford, Iowa, CAT 1970, CAT/5, CAT/6 TerraNova)