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Welcome to Planting Seeds Coop! A cooperative homeschool group consists of multiple families all working together to achieve common goals. This coop is led by parents, but ideally we can include teachers for specific topics or from specific organizations as we expand. I (Madeline) am working on creating a curriculum and a schedule for meetups. These meetups will include farms, nature preserves, parks, zoos, and gardens. We are not limited on where we meet, and we will always have a back up meeting place if weather does not permit us to meet outside. We embrace all cultures and ethnicities but have a focus on medical freedom. This will be a work in progress, created by all of us. Have an idea or a topic you want to teach your kids? Let’s do it! Ideally we have one leader per week for our meetup day. This leader can choose the location for the week, and what is taught (or not taught). Unschooling? Waldorf? Montessori? Yes to all of it! There will be a strong focus on permaculture principles and environmental sustainability. Since we all live on this planet it is up to all of us to make small changes for a better future. As we grow and add families we can branch off into more specific teaching methods and locations. But this will be our home group. I firmly believe that planting the smallest seed is all it takes to create major changes- and that is exactly what this world needs right now. As our Earth continues to die, our oceans continue to rise and fill with plastic, it is up to us to make changes for the better of our children. Planting seeds of life, in the ground and in the mind.