Apex Homeschool Apex Homeschool Apex Homeschool

What Should I Know?

General Info


Where does Apex meet?


First Baptist Church Arnold has been our home since the very beginning of our journey.  We feel so blessed to call FBCA home. If you are coming to visit for the first time, come around the back of the building and enter through the doors that say Davidson Family Life Center.  Take the stairs (or the elevator) to the second floor, that is where you will find us.     

2012 Missouri State Road, Arnold, MO  63010



When does Apex meet?


Apex meets on Mondays from 9:30 - 12:30.  We offer three morning classes:  9:30-10:25, 10:30-11:25, and 11:30-12:25.


When are the Apex semesters?


Apex meets on Mondays. We always start the Monday after Labor Day and run for 14 consecutive weeks.  After a break for Christmas we will have a 14-week spring semester as well.



What type of co-op is Apex?


Apex is an academic co-op. We know this isn’t for everyone and if it isn’t what you are looking for we will happily help you find a more social co-op in the area, there are a lot of really great ones.  We believe an academic environment can teach a homeschooled student many valuable skills and we try to focus on more “core” subjects. We do not require your students to be gifted in anyway, we just require them to be respectful and prepared.



How does Apex split up its class offerings?


Apex offers four unique age groups. It is possible your child might fit into more than one age group.  You know your child best, however, the teacher knows their materials best. If you are unsure what class to register your child for, a conversation between you and the teacher is an excellent place to start. 

  • Our Jr. classes are for K-2 grade
  • Elementary is 3-5th grade  
  • Middle school is usually to 6-8th grade 
  • High School classes are appropriate for those in 9-12th grade



Who decides what age group to put my student in?



You know your child best, we will usually defer to you unless the teacher feels very strong about a certain class. It is possible due to the strengths of your child that they may be in a higher group for one subject and with their peers for another. You are their homeschool teacher, you decide.



Do I have to sign my child up for all three hours?


No. We want Apex to be a resource for your family. If you don’t need, (or want) a class we offer a study hall every hour and your student can sit in that classroom so that they are not roaming the halls (as per FBCA).



How many kids will be in my class at Apex?


That is a hard question to answer.  Enrollment is always fluid and it is hard to know what classes each family will need.  We are still a small co-op, it is likely you will have a small class size, although occasionally we get a very popular science class with 15 students in it.



Since this is an academic co-op are the classes graded?


Most of them are.  We don’t believe grades help the youngest kids get excited about learning so they aren’t graded.  However, by the time your student is in middle and high school they will have much of their work graded.  Once you receive your student’s grades from their teacher if you’d like to consider extra work they did at home, that is of course up to you to consider.  All of our teachers recognize you are in charge of issuing your child’s final grades, we can only grade what they did (or didn’t do) in class.


How much does Apex cost?



We strive to keep Apex affordable. We actually feel so strongly about this that it might be described as a ministry. Science classes should not cost hundreds of dollars, it just further perpetuates the myth that science is not for everyone. The cost to join Apex is $35 and is due by July 1st to register for classes. This fee goes to website maintenance and a “Love Donation” to our host church. As for individual class fees, we try to take the cost of the class and divide it by the number of participants. We ask that our teachers do this because their children are getting high quality instruction from someone else in the co-op.  Everyone must work together to keep costs down.



What can I do to help if I’m not teaching?


There are so many opportunities to help. If you are not teaching, ask what positions need to be filled. We need someone to stay at (or near) the front desk to let people in the locked door throughout the day (this doesn’t need to be the same person). We need people to supervise study hall. We always need subs, help in the nursery and a team to clean up at the end of the day. 



I’d like to teach, but I still have small children is that possible?


Yes! We would love to have you teach if you have either a passion or expertise in a subject. We have a nursery staffed all three hours so that you can be sure your little one is well taken care of. Please only leave your littles in the nursery if you are teaching or if you are there to supervise.



What types of activities other than classes does Apex offer?


We try to offer a variety of social activities. We usually have a trunk or treat event in the fall, a few field trips and we offer graduation ceremonies to those interested. If someone would like to take the lead as a field trip coordinator, let us know, that would be awesome!


Co-op Days


How should my kids handle snacks, drinks, and bathroom breaks?


We are only at Apex from 9:30-12:30 so this should not be a big issue. There are a couple of requests that FBCA makes and that we will follow. First of all, THE SECOND FLOOR OF THE FAMILY LIFE CENTER IS A PEANUT/TREE NUT FREE FACILITY. Please make sure if you send any snack that it is peanut and tree nut free. This includes, granola bars, cookies, and candies. Secondly, FBCA asks that we only drink water. The flooring was recently replaced and they don’t want any stains. A refillable water bottle is an excellent choice.

Classtime is not for snacks, the kids should eat only with instructor permission. There are some classes where snacks will never be allowed (science classes). There are some rooms where the facility asks us not to eat (anywhere with carpet). Honestly, some snacks are just disruptive. Loud crumbling of bags or crunching of chips may distract the entire classroom. If your child needs special accommodations, please discuss with the instructor. Often times special accomodations are included for the "littles."

Finally, try to use the restroom in between classes. We know this can’t always be accomplished (especially with the littles) but please have a conversation with your children so that they attempt this rather than using the bathroom in the middle of a lesson.