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Welcome to PATH

PATH Co-op is designed to offer support for like-minded Christian families who are resolved to home educate. Our purpose is to encourage each other, provide fellowship opportunities, and to facilitate physical and
educational opportunities to supplement and enrich their homeschool experience. Our desire is for a Christian community where families can encourage and serve each other.

What We Do:
We are a volunteer-based homeschool organization dedicated to furthering and enriching the education of our children. All our classes are taught by...YOU...volunteer homeschool parents. A parent or guardian must be at Co-op with their children, volunteering to teach a class, to assist in a class, host field trips and events, or serve in other positions to help us run smoothly!

We meet on Tuesdays in Wellington. Elementary and Middle school meet bi-weekly, while high school meets weekly. You can sign up for as few or as many classes as you would like. Each year, the classes that are offered change, based on what people volunteer to teach. We also have a wonderful High School drama program, Mom's Night Out events, as well as high school fellowship, and a multitude of field trips.

The fee structure is as follows:
Annual: $70.00/family
Class fees: Each class has its own separate class fee based on supplies needed to teach the class.

If you would like to join, click on the "Join" link above, fill out the form, and an officer will contact you. You may also email us for more information at pathofficer@gmail.com.

We look forward to hearing from you!