LEARN is a ministry of Faith Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Pole Tavern, NJ. LEARN is a cooperative learning opportunity for children starting pre-K through 12th grade. (Click this picture for important information about ages.) LEARN is run by a volunteer Board and overseen by the Session of Faith OPC. The mission of LEARN is to assist and support parents in the training of their children with supplementary and enrichment classes LEARN is a cooperative effort in every sense.  Everyone must contribute to our success. LEARN is not a profit-making venture, but a ministry by families to families.

LEARN is a ministry of Faith Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Click HERE to learn more about Faith OPC.


Class Registration


Infant With Mom 1st hr
0 y/o
Mary Beth Zieger
Infant With Mom 2nd hr
0 y/o
Mary Beth Zieger
Infant With Mom 3rd hr
0 y/o
Mary Beth Zieger
Infant With Mom 4th hr
0 y/o
Mary Beth Zieger