Homeschool Articles
25 Ways to Express Love to Your Wife – 9/12/2020
Douglas R. Flanders, M.D.
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The BIG List of Homeschool Schedule Ideas!
Most homeschool moms are on a quest to find the ‘perfect’ homeschool schedule, but that doesn’t exist, does it?
However, there are tried-and-true schedule ideas that work!
- Homeschooling Multiple Ages
- Working Moms
- Loop vs Block Scheduling
- 4 Days a Week
Burnout—And Recovery
Malia Russell
“If you are experiencing burnout, it is important to know that it does not last forever, and it is often a call for change.” Malia has a large family of her own and knows the struggles, let her guide you to a better place.
Muses, Music & Memorization
Amy Barr
Amy offers some help and ideas regarding how to remember the things you study so you can work smarter and not harder.
The Cost of Homeschooling
Dr. Heather Allen
“There are so many variables to consider when attempting to calculate the amount of money a family spends on homeschooling, and each family seems to calculate the total cost differently.” This is a question we get quite often and why there isn't a cut and dry answer.
Homeschooling When It’s Harder Than You Bargained For
Kendra Fletcher
When we begin homeschooling, we can’t always foresee that inevitably there will be months, perhaps even years, that threaten to sink us. In the toughest, most trying times, when we feel we cannot possibly do what God is calling us to do, He refashions, remakes, rewrites, and redeems. We have to remind ourselves that in and above it all stands the God Who loves us more than we will ever love ourselves or each other, and that He has written our stories for His glory
Homeschooling a Struggling Learner: Where Do I Find the Time?
Dianne Craft, MA, CNHP
Diane Craft is well know amongst those of us with learning challenged kids. She offers some great advice and encouragement for us to hold onto through the journey. It is so worth it when you reach the other side which I finally have for one, although there are many doubts along the way.
College in Less Than a Year: One Young Man’s Journey
Joy Vanderhoff
This is the story how one very motivated young man completed his College BA in one year through CLEP and DSST. You might not want to go at the pace that he did, but he gives some great advice about tools he found to help him succeed and they can help you too.
Homeschooling a Struggling High Schooler—Credits, Curriculum, Diplomas
Dianne Craft, MA, CNHP
“The questions bombard you at night: How will I give this child a diploma? How am I going to get in all the credits he needs to graduate? What will he do after high school? Is college even an option?” Is this article Dianne Craft will answer these questions and more, so that you can have peace of mind and guidence moving forward.
Legal Access to Public School Classes
Antony Kolenc
“Over the years, state legislatures have begun to recognize that, as a matter of fairness, homeschooled students should have access to some public school resources. After all, homeschoolers pay federal, state, and local taxes that help fund those public schools.”
Build a Virtual Science Lab With PhET
Andy Harris
Some science topics cannot be taught easily without a laboratory, but there are some terrific resources online to help homeschooled families build their own surprisingly complete virtual science lab—entirely for free.
How to Adjust Your Curriculum
Heather Laurie
Sometimes when you start the year things don't go as smoothly as you would like this article explains how to adjust your curriculum and make it the best it can be for your family. Let’s work together to find some ways to make the material you have in hand or can get free work for your homeschool!
Nobody’s Normal
Ryan Sprague
Scripture teaches us that all humans are created in the image of God; therefore, all humans are inherently beautiful. When we embrace the self-centered lie of Normal we assume the role of God and declare someone ugly simply because he or she doesn’t look like us. That’s ugly. However, when we embrace the God-centered truth that nobody’s Normal we maintain our humble role as God’s child and appreciate His exquisite creativity. That’s beautiful
Molly’s Frugal Homeschooling
Molly Green
Many have heard of Molly Green she writes about how to live and homeschool Frugally. There are some great ideas on how to save money while homeschooling.
Parenting Grace
Tricia Goyer
A poster to put up and remind you of what is really important.
Laura Malone
Maybe you should consider journaling to remember all of those precious things that happen along the way. Journaling can serve as a reminder of the goodness of God in our lives. Let’s challenge ourselves to leave these priceless treasures for our families in hopes of encouraging and inspiring them for the glory of God.
Get Organized for Homeschooling
Stephen Green
Once you make the decision to homeschool or before you start each year the best and first thing to do is to get organized. Let’s go!
A Kitchen Table Education
Katelyn Jolley
Here is an article from a home school graduate sharing why she is happy her parents homeschooled her even when she wanted to go to public school.
Homeschool on a Budget Excellence Without the Extra Cost
Joy Kita
Really good advice on how to set your budget and really get what you need. It also has some links to free resources you can take advantage of.
Making Phonics Fun
Jan May
“By preparing simple interactive opportunities, phonics can be the most enjoyable part of the day. Each opportunity will give your child not only training in language but also in focus, small and large motor skills, and growing in the ability to sit still.”