<p>Coram Deo<br />Classical Co-op</p> Untitled Header Image Untitled Header Image Untitled Header Image Untitled Header Image <p>Coram Deo<br />Classical Co-op</p>

Colossians 3:17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.


The vision of Coram Deo Classical Co-op is to create a community of learners who seek truth, wisdom and virtue in all that we learn. We believe that each individual is made in the image of God and created to live as a wise, virtuous, and fully alive human being. Our goal is to align ourselves with the forms of learning that are consistent with cultivating such individuals. We therefore commit to accomplishing this through academic instruction that will enhance each family’s efforts as they fully accept the Biblical responsibility to “train up a child in the way he should go.” (Proverbs 22:6) We hope to provide meaningful fellowship and quality classes while living “coram deo” (before the face of God).

What is Classical Education?

Classical educators have a high view of humanity. They are committed to cultivating wisdom and virtue in their students. We see education as a quest for these ideals. We value the essential elements of the Western Tradition: the use of classical books and art; a general preference for great art, music, and literature; an integrated curriculum; and idea-focused teaching.


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