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Request Membership in CHEA!

Fill out the form below and click the Continue button at the bottom.


At CHEA, our goal is to provide Christian support to members through information, assistance, encouragement, and providing a variety of educational, social, character-developing, and extracurricular activities.

We have something for everyone!



How to Join CHEA:   The CHEA membership period for the 2024-2025 school year will run
from August 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.


(1) Complete New Member Registration

(Field Fill-In Below - do not leave any spaces blank)


(2) Read and Agree to our Terms of Service (Check Box Below)


(3) Read and Agree to CHEA Policies:

Statement of Purpose and Faith

Code of Conduct

CHEA Bylaws

Covid-19 Release Form 


(4) Review Attachment Page and if applicable, print to mail with your membership payment. 


After you have completed the above steps, you will be contacted by the CHEA Membership Liaison for a short interview (new members only). Upon completion of the interview, you will be given instructions on how and where to submit your membership payment. Once membership funds are received, you will receive an email notification that your membership has been activated and you will then have full access to the entire website.


CHEA membership dues are $25 per school year. (non-refundable)

** CHEA membership dues do not include membership to the Florida Parent Educators Association (FPEA)

(For more information on FPEA, visit their website HERE)


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Upload Family Photo (Optional) .jpg, .gif or .png


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Yes No

Forum Emails:

Yes No
Yes No
Whole Thread New Part Only
Yes No

Classifieds Emails:

Yes No Yes No

Additional Questions

CHEA reserves the right to deny membership to a prospective member by a MAJORITY decision of the Board, based on non-compliance to the application or due to findings determined through personal or phone interview with the applicant.