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Please call The Network administrator (515-664-3421) to report an absence before your student’s first class period. Also, contact teachers as soon as possible to get assignments so they can be turned in on the Monday when the student returns.

Absence Limits (per academic year)

     1st, 2nd absences: Excused

     3rd absence: Administrator will email parents.

     4th absence: Board member will contact parents. 


     1st, 2nd tardies: Excused

     3rd tardy: Counts as one absence; Contact parents

Possible consequences for excessive absences include: being asked to drop a class or being prohibited from future registration.

Families needing to maximize flexibility may not find The Network to be a good fit.

Note: The attendance policy is not intended to encourage students to come to class when ill. Exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please keep communication open with The Network administrator and teachers.


To add or drop a class, complete the required online form.

Classes dropped between July 16th and September 15th will incur a $50 drop fee. Classes dropped after September 15th will require full tuition payment. The purpose of the drop fee is to encourage families to be as certain as they can in selecting classes. When students drop classes after the schedule is set, the result could be cancelling a class, affecting teachers and other families. See The Network calendar for deadlines.


During any in-person gathering, there is a risk of transmitting illness, especially during cold and flu season. Members of The Network community acknowledge those risks and should take common-sense measures to address them. The Network has the following expectations of students and asks parents to help in making sure these expectations are met:

  • Students should not attend classes in person if they have active symptoms of contagious illness.
  • If students have a fever above 100.4 degrees, they should not attend The Network in person until they are fever free, without medication, for at least 48 hours.
  • Students should take extra precautions to avoid the spread of sicknesses, such as frequent hand-washing, avoiding touching the face, covering coughs and sneezes, etc.


The Network does not collect medical information, with the exception of items that impact the ongoing, in-person educational experience, such as food allergies or learning concerns. Because of this, The Network, as an organization, also does not share medical information.

The Network is a community of homeschooling families. As such, The Network leaves it to parents, based on their discretion, to share medical information that they feel needs to be shared with the community. The Network will not be obligated to inform other families that a student, teacher, or staff member has fallen ill or provide any details about an illness. Families may share that information with each other at their discretion.

The Network does not inspect immunization records, nor does it require any particular vaccinations as a condition of participation in the community.



Who wouldn’t want to show up for classes in a cozy t-shirt or sweatshirt each Monday?! This is the requirement of all students while in the church building. One important detail: all shirts must be unaltered with an official Network logo on the front. The Network logo must be visible at all times. This helps the Grace Church staff identify our students as part of The Network and provides greater security during the Network day. At certain times of the year, Network shirts and sweatshirts can be purchased from Eight/Seven Central. Go to "Parents" >> "Shirt Ordering Info" after logging in as a member. We strongly encourage purchasing and wearing a t-shirt AND a sweatshirt since the building temperatures can vary from room to room.

Note: Older shirts with a small Network logo in the shirt-pocket area are not allowed. Sorry! Also, older zipper hoodies with the logo only on the back may only be worn with a large front logo t-shirt exposed.

Other Dress Code Details

  • No hats. It’s a sign of respect that is centuries old. This includes caps, hoods, or other head coverings while in the church building.
  • Skirts and shorts must be fingertip length or longer.
  • Pants/shorts/skirts may not have rips or holes revealing skin above the knees. They should have no writing on the behind and should completely cover all undergarments.
  • Leggings are permitted under skirts, but they may not be worn as stand-alone pants.

Dress Code: Respect & Consequences

The dress code requirements are really very minimal and allow students to dress in a way that respects others and themselves. If a student fails to wear his/her uniform in a modest manner or in compliance with the above code, he/she will be sent to the administrator to address the situation. The following steps will be taken:

  1. The first offense will result in borrowing a Network t-shirt, sweatshirt, or pants for the day or calling a parent/guardian to bring appropriate clothing to The Network.
  2. The second time a student comes without a Network shirt, a new shirt will be provided to the student, and the family's account will be billed for the cost.
  3. For repeated dress code violations, the student may be sent home and not allowed to attend classes.
  4. A meeting between The Network Board and the family may be held if violations continue.


Out of respect for our teachers and other families, The Network will observe the following policy:

  • A student may not begin taking classes in August if the first tuition payment has not been made.
  • Similarly, if the third (and second) tuition payment has not been made (due in December), a student may not return to second semester classes until the payment has been made.
  • If the final tuition payment has not been made (due in February), a student may not return to classes after spring break until the payment has been made.


The Network has contracted with Grace Church to use the gym and certain classrooms on Mondays. Students should only use the areas reserved for The Network. We want to honor the church by keeping the wear and tear of the facilities to a minimum.

  • Please ENTER and EXIT the building through the main doors.
  • Students who are not in class must stay in the GYM.
  • If students have at least a 90-minute break before their next classes, they may SIGN OUT at the administration table to leave the building and sign in when they return.
  • FOOD and DRINKS are allowed only in the gym and in classrooms for organized activities. All drink bottles or cans need to have a lid. Students should clean up after themselves.
  • Students and teachers are allowed to use the YOUTH KITCHEN microwave and refrigerator on the second floor. Students should clean up after themselves. The main kitchen by the gym is not for Network use.
  • The ATRIUM is an area reserved for Grace Church and not for Network use. Please refrain from eating, drinking, or socializing in this area.
  • Students should use the RESTROOMS located across from the elevator on the first and second floors. Other restrooms in the building are not for Network use.
  • While WAITING for rides, students can be in the gym or in the breezeway at the main entrance. Please do not wait in the atrium.
  • Any questions or concerns while at The Network can be addressed by the administrator. The Grace Church staff is not affiliated with The Network, but they are gracious to allow us to use their building.


The Network may cancel or delay classes due to bad weather. Late starts and cancellation decisions will be made by 6:30 am and shared by email and text alerts. To receive text alerts, follow the instructions on the member home page.

Please note that The Network does not necessarily follow the weather-related decisions of other schools.

The Network Delayed Start: When The Network employs a late start schedule, the morning classes will be abbreviated to 50 minutes each.

  • 8:00 am classes will start at 10:00 am.
  • 9:30 am classes will start at 10:50 am.
  • 11:00 am classes will start at 11:40 am.
  • Lunch and afternoon classes will be held at their regular times.

The Network Classes Canceled: Teachers will assign homework for the week through email or another virtual solution. Families pay tuition for canceled days.

The Network understands that everyone's situation is different and that students come from many different locations. Families are encouraged to prioritize safety and to wisely assess their own circumstances. If The Network has not canceled classes, but you need to be excused for the day, please call The Network administrator (515-664-3421). Contact teachers for your assignments.


If a student has cheated, the teacher will work to resolve the situation with the student and family. If the situation cannot be resolved with the student and family, the teacher will refer it to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will review all the available information, request a family meeting, and set disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from The Network. We recognize plagiarism as a serious form of cheating. “Plagiarism is presenting someone else's work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement. All published and unpublished material, whether in manuscript, printed or electronic form, is covered under this definition.” (University of Oxford)


Students are allowed to use cell phones and other electronic devices in the gym, in the breezeway at the main entrance, and in classrooms if permitted by teachers. Students are also allowed to use The Network cell phone at the administrator's table to contact parents/guardians. Parents can call The Network administrator (515-664-3421) any time to contact their students during The Network day.


  • At The Network, parents are ultimately in control of their child’s education, and The Network serves as a resource. Parents have the right to request deletion of their student’s personal information from technology solutions, including websites used for learning purposes. However, some classes rely on certain technology solutions, and enrolling students in those classes provides implicit consent to leverage those technology solutions.
  • The Network, as an organization, will not share Personally Identifying Information (PII) outside of The Network and its families without explicit consent from parents. Student personal information will only be used for educational purposes. The Network strives to collect the minimum amount of personal information necessary to facilitate learning.


Students of The Network may not have in their possession any of the following prohibited items.

  • Firearms as defined by Iowa Code
  • Any dangerous or prohibited item as defined by Iowa Code Section 702.7
  • Any other item as determined by the facility in which we meet
  • Explosives including fireworks as defined by Iowa Code

This policy covers any facility where The Network meets and any time while The Network is in session including times before and after The Network classes. Exceptions to this policy may only be made in advance with the consent of the executive director, administrator, and facility manager. This policy should not be construed to imply prohibition of legal weapons possession, yet any such possession must be approved by the executive director, administrator, or facility manager. If any prohibited item is found, it will be immediately confiscated. The first offense will carry a fine of up to $100 and possible expulsion as determined by the Board of Directors. Any second offense will result in immediate expulsion.


The Network performs background checks on new teachers and volunteers who will be working directly with our students or helping with childcare for teachers' children.


At The Network there is a long history of offering an option to purchase a drink or snack on Mondays. This is a specifically sanctioned activity, and the responsibility may rotate to a different family each semester. Here is some additional policy information around buying and selling.

  • The aforementioned drink or snack must offer bottles, not cans, and may not offer energy drinks or home-baked items.
  • Aside from the aforementioned activity, any buying or selling must be specifically approved by The Network board.