Parking Lot & Building Navigation
Parking Lot
There is ample drop off and parking at this location. Click: Parking Lot Navigation Video
ALL DRIVERS enter through the northwest end of parking lot, do a loop near the southeast doors (not main doors), drop students off and exit out the northwest parking lot entrance making an easy flow of in and out traffic. Stay single file in the cue, cycle around if your students are not there, think "airport loop", go SLOW.
DO NOT WAIT for your student and block up the line. Either park temporarily in the lot or continue to loop through until you see your student/s.
During winter months, there is less space to navigate with snow piles too. Be considerate of others. Leave space for them to back out of parking spaces with ample room...REMEMBER we have young drivers here, go slow, and follow the flow. Be the example for them.
WEST families and students are required to park on the end of the parking lot near our drop off / pick up location to leave room for the church staff, visitors, and MELA.
Drive slowly as there are WEST students, MELA students and families as well as church staff and visitors in the parking lot.
Always give way to pedestrians!
Building Information - Enter / Exit Using South Doors of Church
First time attending WEST, Click these videos: Building Entrance/Exit Video - WEST Space/Hallways Video
WEST Hours - Use WEST South Door Only:
Monday - 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Tuesday - 8:45 am - 3:30 pm
Wednesday - 8:15 am - 4:15 pm
Please do not arrive more than 15 minutes prior to your first class. Everyone must be picked up within 15 minutes of the doors closing.
Do NOT use the main stairwells. Students will navigate through the side of the sanctuary to the WEST rear staircase. Volunteers and signs will be posted to help students navigate. No WEST students or parents are allowed to congregate on the main level. Proceed to WEST's lower level to attend classes or volunteer. Thank you.
Outside Space - Lunch/Study Areas
- Student Outdoor Space Indicated in Red Boxes
- Avoid the Bird Feeder Area
- Do NOT Sit in Bird Poop
- Do NOT Sit in Bird Poop
- Do NOT Venture
- Onto the Circle Drive
- Onto the North Side of Building
- Pick Up After Yourself
- Thank You!