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Calendar Event Entry How-To

Updated 6/20/2022.

Admins: try this page also (for entering meets): https://www.homeschool-life.com/2515/custom/89083

Creating events. Login to the team website and go to the Team Calendar. Then follow these steps:

  1. At the top right of the Team Calendar, click on the calendar page icon with a "+" in it.

  2. Create an event for the first day.

    •  Public - check to make this event public.

       Hide the Description and Location fields on the public side.

    • Date Description field: type "Team Members: LOGIN to see details."

    • Event Description section: include any details, links, etc.
      Check your spelling using the "ABC" icon at the top of the formatting bar.

    • When linking to another page, change the "Target" (in the Link options) to "New Window (_blank)" so that a new window will open in the user's browser.

  3. Click SUBMIT EVENT. You will see a message that says, “Thank you! Your submission is awaiting approval by the group administrator. Your group administrator has been notified.”
    Clicking OK (or waiting a bit) will take you back to the Update Event screen, which gives you additional options including:

    • Recurrence--good for events that recur multiple days like summer runs, captains’ practices, uniform try-ons, etc. Carefully read the IMPORTANT note at the top of that tab window. This allows you to copy all details from the first date and put them into future dates. Then if you want to edit them all at once in the future, they're all tied together with the first date being the main/parent event.
      However, if you are not a techie-type, it will be easier to just create a series of individual events (go back to step 1.)

    • Signups--This is OK for single events, but for events spanning multiple days, use something that shows all dates on one screen, such as SignUpGenius.com.

Editing events. After the Administrator approves your event, you may login and edit your event(s) if needed.
Go to that date on the Calendar, click on your event, and then click the Edit button. Click UPDATE EVENT when done!

Announcing events. Once everything is "live" and ready, announce it via the Team Forum.

Deleting events. Login, go to your event on the team calendar, and scroll to the bottom of the page, and click DELETE EVENT. Please note that this is a permanent action.

Copying/duplicating events. This is a more efficient way than copying and pasting events from one year/season to the next.

  1. Open the event and go to straight to the Recurrence tab. Unless you have updated details, the only thing needing changing is the date. 
  2. Scroll down to the "Yearly" option and click its radio button.
  3. Click the "Occurs Every" radio button as well, and set the new date.
  4. In the "Recurrence Ending Date" select that same date. Sometimes due to calendar shifts (e.g., Leap Year, or any time a season makes a jump forward or backward by a week) the Recurrence feature causes a duplication back within the original year. In this case, you will end up with an extra event (two identical events a few days apart, for example). One will be incorrect, so for the sake of historical sanity (we often refer to past years on the calendar), delete the incorrect one and leave the original. Just be careful not to delete the "parent" record. :)

Please let us know if you have suggestions to make these instructions clearer!