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Mrs. Amber Impellizzeri To All Instructors

Aloha! My name is Amber Impellizzeri. I’m the wife to a multi-talented, adventurous, and steadfast man of God. The daughter to two wonderful, self-less parents that blessed me with a fantastic home education and a daughter to a Heavenly Father. I attended Cornerstone University for my undergraduate degree and majored in Environmental Biology where I was given a solid science foundation through a Biblical worldview. Throughout my college education, I was privileged to study in places like upper MI, Washington state, and Hawaii as well as work two summers as a research technician.

The 2018/2019 school year will be my 7th year teaching at PTC, both history and science. Although science is where my degree lies history has always been a personal interest. This year for science I am thrilled to be teaching high school Anatomy and Physiology for a sixth year. I LOVE this course and helping students discover how and why the body functions the way it does. It’s truly amazing! I will also be teaching the 1st - 4th grade science and history class. We will be doing an ecology and zoology unit for science this year as we look at land animals and the many habitats they make home! In history for 1st- 4th we will be studying the earliest civilizations and how their lives were similar and different from ours, using Story of the World. Chemistry is the last course I teach at PTC. I look forward to helping your student marvel at the order in God’s creation at the atomic level.

It is a pleasure and joy to be teaching at PTC again this year. I look forward to not only teaching your student about science and history but also about the creativity and divine provision of our awesome God.

Current Classes
Biology 1:50- 3:35 – Instructor (open)
Chemistry [8am - 10am] – Instructor (open)
Chemistry [8am - 10am] – Instructor (open)