Welcome CHIEFS Christian Homeschool Group in Las Vegas Nevada!
CHIEFS Christian homeschool support group was established in the 1990's to offer area homeschoolers a place that would provide support and guidance to homeschool families. We are a Ministry Cornerstone Christian Fellowship is located in the West part of the city (Jones and and Sahara area).
As a Christian group, we desire to help families grow in maturity in Christ, and more specifically, to assist families whom God has called to teach their children at home and to do so in a manner which honors God (Deuteronomy 4:9). Together, we can build strong families for Christ!
About Cornerstone
Cornerstone Christian Fellowship was founded in 1987, with Greg and Gay Lynn Massanari serving as the pioneer pastoral team. Our first service was held in the Hacienda Hotel, and we continued to meet there for six years. We moved into our current seven-and-a-half-acre campus in September of 1993.
Vision Statement:
Our Vision is "Building Strong Families for Christ!" Las Vegas is continually called the "sin city", however there is so much beauty here. We believe that Jesus Christ can repair and restore those whose lives have been disenfranchised and abandoned by the world. Each ministry and activity reflects a value system that emphasizes all members growing together as the family of God to reach the greater Las Vegas valley and our world with the good news of Jesus Christ.
Mission Statement:
Our mission at Cornerstone is to be a dynamic, spirit-filled church providing a safe haven where believers can extend God's love, hope, acceptance, forgiveness and encouragement to all people groups. To facilitate these core values, we dedicated our multipurpose facility, located on seven acres, in 1993. In the fall of 2001, we opened our new 35,000 square foot Family Ministry Pavilion which serves the needs of our growing church and is home to Cornerstone Christian Academy, 240 students strong, grades K-8th.
We Believe...
...the Bible is the inspired Word of God.
...God is triune: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
...man fell through disobedience.
...Christ died for our sins, salvation by his grace.
...in a daily relationship with Jesus.
...in water Baptism by immersion.
...in the regular celebration of the Lord's Supper.
...in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
...in the gifts and fruit of the spirit, in divine healing.
...in Heaven and Hell; in the final judgment.
...the second coming of Christ is imminent.
...the church is responsible to evangelize the world.
...in tithes and offerings to do the work of the ministry.
...in the Christian unity with all denominations of the Christian Faith.
...in essentials - unity; in non-essentials - liberty; in all things - charity.
International Church of the Foursquare Gospel
Cornerstone is an evangelical member of the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel, which has over 1800 churches in the United States, and 27,000 worldwide located in over 131 countries. The Foursquare Movement derives its name from the fourfold ministry of Jesus.
Our Savior - First, it is through Jesus that we discover forgiveness for our sins (1John 1:9) and experience eternal life. (John 3:16) Being saved is more than just a decision; it is living a life wholly devoted to God! |
Our Baptizer - Second, just as on the day of Pentecost (Acts 1:8) Jesus baptizes us with his precious Holy Spirit. The comforter, the one called alongside to help, empowers and guides us daily. |
Our Healer - Jesus is still active today, healing us physically, mentally and spiritually. (Matt. 8:16-17) Consequently, praying for the sick according to James 5:13-15 is an integral ingredient to the life flow of God's spirit within Cornerstone. |
Our Soon and Coming King - Finally, with great anticipation, we look forward to the second coming of Christ (1 Thes. 4:17). |