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Who We Are

We are a Roman Catholic homeschool support group serving the Greater Baton Rouge area whose mission is to promote homeschooling among Catholic families and to support those families who are engaged in providing their children's primary education at home.  We are faithful to the Magisterium in all of our functions and activities and our ultimate goal is to prepare our children for eternity.
HFH has its foundation and as the guiding principle of all its functions and activities, fidelity to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, loyalty to the Holy Father, Pope Francis, who, as successor to St. Peter, is the universal teacher in matters of faith and morals, and to the diocesan bishops teaching in communion with him.

What We Offer

Some of the many activities our members come together for include:

  • weekly parkdays
  • First Friday Masses
  • monthly fieldtrips
  • monthly game nights for Middle School students
  • monthly activities for High School students
  • monthly service projects for High School students
  • holiday/feast day celebrations
  • parent support meetings
  • Mom's Night Out
  • International Bazaar
  • Back to School swim party
  • End of Year Closing Ceremony
  • May Crowning

and much more! 

Current HFH Members

If you are a current member of Holy Family Homeschoolers, please login in order to access all of the members-only portions of this website.

New Members

Welcome!  Now that you are officially a part of the group, login to the website and come on in.  Feel free to post a thread on the message board and introduce yourself to the group.  We are glad you are here!

Join Us!

If you want to join Holy Family Homeschoolers, fill out the form here
If you have any questions, please email our Director Director@Holyfamilyhomeschoolers.com for more information.

We look forward to meeting you!