Reach Co-op Reach Co-op Reach Co-op Reach Co-op Reach Co-op Reach Co-op


indicates a required answer

POLICIES for REACH Co-op (Real-life Educational Adventures in Christian Homeschooling)

Mission– Our mission is to create a community where Christian homeschooling families can come together for worship, fellowship, educational activities, service projects and field trip adventures.

Parent Participation

  1. Before each semester begins, parents will be asked where they'd like to volunteer for the semester. Moms volunteer to teach or co-teach during classes and attend a Mom's Time group. After co-op, they can choose to help monitor clubs or help out on a cleaning crew on a rotating schedule.
  2. This is not a drop off program, but if there is an occasion when a parent cannot attend co-op with their children or needs to step out briefly, the parent would need to notify the coordinator.

Inclement Weather - Co-op schedule will NOT follow the school schedule. If co-op is cancelled, we will send out an email around 8am notifying everyone of the cancellation.

Health Policy - To be good stewards of our health, anyone who has symptoms within the last 24 hours prior to a meeting day or event of fever, vomiting, diarrhea, red or discharging eyes, excessive coughing, or any communicable disease should stay home and rest.

Electronics Policy - Please leave them at home!

  1. Students should not bring phones, ipads, electronic games, music, etc. We want to have a community where we interact with one another.
  2. Parents – please limit your use of the phone/internet while at co-op. Parents are expected to be engaged with their children and with co-op activities. An occasional family or work phone call is understandable and acceptable, but please don’t spend the morning checking facebook, catching up on emails, etc.

Attendance Policy - Since we are a co-op, the participation of each family is important.

  1. Meeting Days - Families should plan to attend all Meeting Days (8/semester); see the calendar for exact dates.
  2. Field Trips - Field trips are optional and families can sign up on the website for the ones they'd like to attend.
  3. Absences - Life happens! If someone is sick, traveling or if something comes up and you’re not able to attend a Meeting Day or a field trip you’ve signed up for, please notify the coordinator by phone, text or email.
    1. Meeting Day Absences - If you are going to be absent and you know ahead of time (traveling, doctor's appointment that can't be moved, etc.) please visit the forum page and post under the date of your absence. If someone gets sick and it's last minute, let us know on the forum page and text the coordinator. Teachers, also contact your co-teacher to pass on the lesson plan.
    2. Field Trip Absences - If you can’t make it to a field trip you’ve signed up for, please notify the field trip coordinator so we aren’t waiting for you.
  4. On Time Policy
    1. Meeting Days - Plan to arrive between 9:00 and 9:15am. Worship begins promptly at 9:25am. Families coming in late are disruptive to worship, so please help protect our worship time by arriving on time.
    2. Field Trips - If you’re running late or having difficulty finding the location, please text or call the field trip coordinator.

Behavior Policy

  1. At co-op and at co-op events and activities, we are representatives of Christianity and homeschoolers. We want to honor God with our conduct, attitude, speech and attire.
  2. Participants are expected to behave in a kind and respectful manner toward group leaders and each other. Physically or verbally aggressive behavior toward adults or other children in the group will not be tolerated. We will strive to follow the Biblical standards of loving one another and being quick to forgive.
  3. Parents are responsible for the discipline and instruction of their children and should instruct them in appropriate chapel and classroom conduct and correct them when needed.
  4. Students are expected to fully participate with excellence in each class and activity, even if the class or activity is not particularly interesting to them and students should remain in class until they are dismissed.
  5. Children are expected to obey the adults in our co-op if given a reasonable instruction. (Everybody sit down, please don't touch that yet, etc.) Any co-op parent is free to encourage and/or direct a child or group of children as needed.
  6. During classes, if disruptive behavior occurs, the student will be first corrected, then reminded, then relocated (to another chair or area of the room) then sent to his/her parent. If disruptive behavior occurs regularly, the parent and coordinator will meet to discuss a behavior plan.
  7. Abundant Life has been very gracious in hosting us. In return, let's be sure to respect their space. Please do not go onto the stage, into their closets or use their supplies, coffee cups, outreach materials, etc. To minimize clean-up, keep all food in the lobby or outside.

Roles of Teachers & Co-teachers

  1. Teachers
    1. Prepare and teach the class
    2. Collect supplies and submit receipts for reimbursement
    3. Take attendance
    4. If absent, pass on lesson plan to co-teacher
  2. Co-teachers
    1. Help teacher with set-up and clean-up as needed
    2. Remind students of appropriate classroom behavior as needed
      1. First Reminder
      2. Second Reminder and move seat/location if necessary and remind that if s/he can’t behave, s/he will have to sit with Mom; alert floater to problem at next check if needed
      3. Find floater to walk child to Mom
    3. If the teacher is absent, take attendance and teach the class.

Visitor & Guest Policy

  1. Our Meeting Days are closed to visitors and guests. This helps with planning and with group cohesion.
  2. Families considering joining our co-op may be invited to come to one Meeting Day which will be scheduled in advance and co-op members will be notified so teachers can plan accordingly.
  3. Field trips may be open to visitors and guests if space is available; contact the field trip coordinator for availability.

Additional Children

  1. Prior approval from the coordinator is needed if a child that you do not have custody of will be attending co-op with you one time or on an ongoing basis.
  2. A waiver form will need to be filled out and signed by the child’s parents and by the adult bringing and taking responsibility for that child.
  3. The adult bringing the additional child will be solely responsible for the child during all co-op activities.

Participation Cost

  1. There will be a $25 participation fee per family for each semester. This fee is due on the first Meeting Day of the semester and will go toward facility cost/donation and general supplies. Scholarship money is available if needed. 
  2. Many classes have a per-student supply fee. Parents of students in our co-op may not charge tuition, but can set a supply fee. Teachers will receive supply fee reimbursement after turning in receipts. If an outside teacher is brought in for a class, there may be a tuition fee. Classes with tuition fees will always be optional.
  3. Some field trips will have a fee. Families can sign up on the calendar page for the ones they’d like to attend.