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Student Statesmanship Institute

SSI offers unique hands-on Biblical worldview and leadership programs for high school students featuring legislative, media, business, campaign and judicial tracks. The real-world professional career simulations and dynamic faith-filled environment combine to develop character, instill purpose and equip young people with highly relevant life-skills. SSI is a fun and exciting learning experience that prepares teenagers for every aspect of their future.

Throughout the week-long LEAD experience, students build key life skills such as teamwork, critical thinking, and communication through leadership simulations, preparing them to take on their world. In experiences involving real Michigan lawmakers, judges, journalists, lawyers, business executives, and professors, LEAD’s unique leadership program lets students debate legislation, argue a criminal case before a sitting judge, manage multi-million-dollar companies, report news from press conferences, and so much more. Through building their faith, professional skillset, and self-confidence, we hope to empower today’s young people to shatter the low expectations that society has for their generation.


Check us out:  Student Statesmanship Institute | Empowering Teens to Change Their World (ssionline.org)